i have just read the blog posts from Bolivia and Peru. It seems like it is just one adventure after another! I laughed out loud about the restaurant being vegetarian as that would also be a disaster for me too lol
I will be at the airport on Saturday. Make the most of the rest of your time. Talk to the locals - it is fascinating to hear their opinion of the world and find out interesting things (if they speak english of course although Rich's Spainish might be good enough by now lol)
Nath x
Hey sweetie. I have been trying to get on this site for the past month! I forgot the web address, even called your home today! In the end I googled you both and yay! I found this site. Me and Michael was supposed to fly out to Mexico on 5th may but swine flu!!! When do you come back? Let me know (anyone?) x
Rich's Dad
PS Villa lost to Fulham 3-1 and I went with Brian and Lance to see Chelsea give Arsenal a good going over. Beat them 4-1
Rich's Dad
Hi Guys, you seem to be having an amazing time, especially like the cost of your Bolivian adventure, it sounds amazing! Might even book a package tour to go ther myself. Rich e-mail me again with your flight from Madrid I need to sort out when I can pick you up. See you soon
Keeping up with your blogs.Just to say hi.Glad to hear you are still having a marvellous time.I need a spell check on this .Good job i am brilliant at maths.Lots of love.Mum
Thanks mum and dad, dad check your email i sent u a message. Dont woory about the spelling some of the blogs ive done are shocking. Hope your both ok good to hear from you both.
Rich's Dad
Will try and spell better on my next message!
Rich's Dad
Hi sounds good in the land of steaks! As mum said we are both nakered after the walks we did at the weekend. ASlyhough I am supremley fit of course! Well at least at the side of your mum! Villa have lost it not won in th elat eight matches now. They were beating Fulham on Sunday but drew in the last minute. Still getting some golf in playing Wentworth at the beginingof May with Brian and the boys sio that should be good. Keeo in touch, oh Charl has printed loads of oics and we are going to make up an album for your nan - see yoyu soon
Just returned from a long weekend in Southwold.Walked over 16 milesin 2 days i am so unfit.Not as exciting as where you are but we had an enjoyable stay.Lots of love Mum
Susan Goodearl
Hi you 2 lovely photos you did not look a bit scared haha when you left the plane I could see dad in you Hannah I think your mouth being left open did it for me haha. It is great to hear your voice when phoning and I love receiving your texts . We are all fine. Steve sends his love Kesey says hello. We will be visiting Nathan on Sunday as its the day after his birthday, we will miss you at church and the meal. We love you and remeber you each day in prayer. God bless, enjoy everything love mum and dad
HI GREAT TO HEAR from you if short but sweet.Let us know when you are in Fidji.Love Mum
Hi guys! Hannah i cant believe you remembered my birthday; was really lovely to know your still thinking of me. Im so bored working at the mo & weather is actually quite resonable for a change, sun is shining, 11 degrees and many people walking around with ice creams! Any way take care guys x