hey Kaikora is the place inn New Zealand that is the best place to do whale watching. After seeing pretty much every other type of marine animal on this trip whales are the only one which we have yet to see.
When we arrived the weather was perfect so we booked our whale watching trip, when we got down there we were told it was cancelled because of high winds, we were devastated as this was our only opportunity to see them and the weather inland was so good but out to sea it was far too windy. So we headed back to the hostel dissapointed but we decided to go for a walk around the town, this was actually pretty good and we got to see some wannabe penguins, which looked like penguins but swam like ducks!!!1
When we were back at the hostel our friend Jason randomly turned up which was a cool surprise, he went shopping got a load of hot chocolate and some tim-tams (chocolate bars like penguins back home) and we did tim-tam slams the whole night!!! THis is where tou dip the bar in the hot chocolate let it melt a bit then suck the drink through the bar...they were SOOOOO good!!!
After dark me, him and Leah went for a walk on the beach and found these amazing shells which were couloured in loads of different colours and patterns they were so cool to look at and I took some, although we are both hoping that we can take them out the country as apparently they are unique to NZ...we'll soon find out i suppose!!
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