The following day we made our way to Lake Argyle and checked in at the Lake Argyle Caravan Park. There isn't much free camping in this area. Lake Argyle is a manmade lake created by damming the Ord River in 1973 and is the largest made man lake in the southern hemisphere. It has two hydro electric plants that supply power to Kununurra, Wyndham and the Argyle Diamond Mine. Its power station is 33 megawatts. People use Lake Argyle is home to many recreational activities such as boating, fishing and water skiing. It has 2,500 freshwater crocodiles in it and 26 native fish species. The caravan park is beautiful and boasts an infinity pool that overlooks the lake system. We just loved it here, nice grass site, nice weather and many hours spent with the kids in the infinity pool. In the evening there was a singer / musician playing music in the beer garden. We all went up for a look. Charlie ended up stealing the show, dancing on the dance floor with some cool moves and entertaining the crowd. He had dances with many a lady, of all ages, shapes and sizes. Some intoxicated old bloke kept yelling out "go Charlie" and the musician was paying compliments to him during his performance. The girls were having a good old dance too. I don't think Mandy and I will ever forget that evening.
The lake system itself just blew us away and puts Eildon to shame. Where is a ski boat when you need one? The kids and ourselves enjoyed catching up with another family we had met on the road whist we were there. From Lake Argyle our plan is to head to a free camp for a night and then on to Katherine.
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