Guess where I am going on the 25th September for two weeks... NEW ZEALAND! Whoop! Whoop! I am taking a holiday inside of a holiday! How exciting!
I spoke to Adam early on today and hes asked if Id be interested in going with him - so of course, I said yes!
So, I didnt get much of a good nights sleep again last night, due to the shenanigans in the dorm, by the other people. What a surprise! I was woken up at 05:30, so decided to have a shower. I spoke to Hayley whilst I was still waking up, sitting on the toilet! Classy bird! It was so good to speak to her after so long, it definately cheered me up - it was funny actually because she was on her way into Windsor with her friends for a drunken night out - p**shead!
I walked up the street to Starbucks for my morning fix of tea and a muffin. Debi called me whilst I was waiting for the bus - it was so good to speak to her too - she still manages to make me laugh from the other side of the world - thanks! Hold on actually, Im sure we were both laughing at ME and the amount of cuts, bruises, sprains and loss of body parts that I have! Haha!
I ended up talking to a bloody pilot for Emirates airways - we were talking for about an hour - he was a really nice guy - with a hangover - I told him that he needed to sober up before he flew again; he thought I was funny!
The bus picked me up at 08:10 (minus the old pervert driver this time) and dropped me off at the Movieworld theme park at 09:30. I was so excited because I love theme parks and rides. I almost wet my knickers with excitement when I say Tweety Pie and Bugs Bunny! Such a kid!
I used the old public transport to get home, that was an experience. I got on the bus to the train station, on the train; half way back to the city, the train stopped because there was a problem with the tracks, so we had to get on another bus for about 5km, and then back onto another train at a stop closer to the city. It took about an hour and a half to get home - in this heat! It was not nice!
Im back in the city now. Ive just spoken to Adam and confirmed his flight times with mine. I fly to Auckland on Thursday 25th September and back to Sydney on Friday 10th October. It really exciting because I wasnt planning on going over to New Zealand and now that I am, its given me something new to look forward to.
I know in my last blog I was supposed to be going to Melbourne after Sydney, but I have spoken to Nino and Grace and we have put iton hold until late October. Its probably for the best anyway because of the weather over there at the moment.
I am leaving Brisbane to go down to Surfers Paradise tomorrow. I was supposed to be staying for two nights but Ive heard from a few people that it is a 'tacky Blackpool' - I dont know what that means, so Im just going to stay for one night and spend another night in Byron Bay from Tuesday. I have an overnight bus booked on Friday night to Sydney (15 hours long - my longest bus journey to date) and I will be in Sydney on Saturday morning at 09:40. I will be meeting Doug and Adam for the five days before me and Adam fly to Auckland, New Zealand!
I checked my account balance this morning, and the balance is looking better than I thought it was because of my last pay check from work - which I completely forgot was going in - so Ive booked my flights to New Zealand as a treat! Yay!
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