Nearly about to start October now which is scary how quickly time is passing on by! Not long at all now until im home, although dont think im ready! School is school, very hard at the moment with lots of tests, english mostly on Shakespeare which I dont understand a thing and a lot of italian, but its good and I get along really really well with all my new class mates! Extremely tiring now that im back at school and seem to be asleep every night by about 9:30 which is a big shock to my host family as its normal for them to go to bed around mid night, but that made me far to tired in the first few months with being up at 6am 6 days a week so have been getting more sleep and they dont seem to understand how I can sleep so "long" but I could still do with a few more hours sleep each day! Have just booked a trip to Rome with STS which im really looking forward to and my class is going to the Milan Expo in a week or two which will also be really cool! My hand has been freed but still very very sore and not a lot of movement or feeling in my finger but itll come right eventually, for now its just a weird and painful feeling. Back at the gym this week and hopefully back to the pool next week, and fingers crossed no more injuries! I'm not sure whats going on in NZ this year but EVERYONE seems to be in and out of hospital with something wrong or surgeries! But I hope everyone gets better soon and the recoveries are fast! This website deffintely hasnt been my favourite for uploading photos but hopefully will get there! Have been extremely busy lately so have been really hopless with keeping in touch with everyone and keeping this up to date! Trying to make the most of the last few weeks/months left here. on 75 days!!!!!! SOOOOO SCARY! Weathers slowly getting colder but look forward to another summer when im home! Take care x
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