On Monday we went to town to sort out all of my permit of stay stuff, my bs pass, and my phone card. We also we to my school to sign some papers and have a visit and get my school pass that we have to scan every time we enter and leave the school... so different! It was all very different because I couldnt understand a word anyone said. When I got to school to sort everything out I meet Gabriella my STS area rep and also my english teacher. It was good to finally speak proper english again! I am still not over jet lag yet! We got home at 1 and had lunch at 2 and by then I was ready for sleep and couldnt keep my eyes open so I went for a wee nap. At 6:30 Cecilia woke me up to get ready to go with her to jazz, I was so tired I just watched but next week I will join in. We had pasta for tea, Its true that they eat pizza and pasta for every meal! Tuesday morning I started school for the first time, the bus was so full everyone was standing and squashed, nothing like the school busses at home! The kids in my class were very welcoming and they all did their best to speak english to me. It was very tiring though trying to listen but not understaning. Later that day Gabriella brung another girl from NZ that is at my school to meet me so that we could both have some time just speaking english! That was really nice! I am also in a bilingo class so we learn english, latin, spanish, italian, pe, the three sciences, maths and religion, but at the moment the only classes I can join in are pe, english and I have work from NZ to do in maths. Other than that during the day I do what ever I want so I have started to read a book... I dont like reading but there is nothing else to do and this book is alright. Also in Febuary my class is hosting a class from Ireland and I get to go with the Irish class on their trips around Italy! Im looking forward to that! Today I had my second day at school, it wasnt as bad as the first but its still hard! Im also getting over jet lag! Today I didnt sleep after school. Cecilia and I get along really well so we have been being stupid like normal! I love reading the message you are leaving me! And I love hearing from everyone back home! Also my new number is +39 320 9595562 so if you want to Imessage me thats my number :) xo
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