Today last period we had pe. I needed the toilet so when we got to the gym I went to the bathroom and a few other girls came in and they started asking me to say all these words in italian and I thought it was strange they weren't getting ready for pe then we went out of the bathroom no one was in the changing room and it was just us 6 girls and I went to get changed and they said no you don't need to get changed Theres a problem in the gym and they're trying to fix it so we have to wait here and I thought it was very weird but didn't think much of it then the teacher came and got us and said we could come in and she stopped me to ask how I was and the others carried on and when I walked in they were all standing in a big semi circle clapping and then the teacher came over and gave me a piece of paper that said "Dear Rebecca, welcome in this school! I know it's hard being so far away from your family and friends! I hope that soon you will feel good here at home. We give a little special greeting today giving you the shirt of our school and sports centre passing with you any time cheer!!! I wanted to tell you that afternoon in our school there are courses in archery and badminton. If you will please come to try these sports we pleased, I know you live in Basilicanovoa, living in the same village a boy playing badminton. If you like I know you so you can come to the gym with him, for the arch there are in your class Debora and Gaia who attend the course where I teach. Welcome you! " and then gave me the school t-shirt and they taught me some italian welcome dance and we all did that then we got a big class photo and lots of other photos and they got my phone number and then we had food and drink and they talked and asked me lots of questions. It was very cool and very exciting! And the weirdest thing was last Friday they organised it in pe right in front of me and I still had no idea it was happening! It was so lovely!
- comments
Greg Wow!! Thats AWESOME!!
Janelle Beaman Wicked! That is lovely! I love how you even managed to write down the way she said it in pigeon English! I felt like I was there!
Trevor Dat English tho