Ive actually got money to use the internet now, because i have a i can finally update this. Ive got a lot to write about, so ill have to finish it another time.
After my last blog, we booked a campervan for two we could head up to cairns from brisbane, we figured it would save money too, we were wrong! It was well worth it though.
I wrote a little blog on my mobile (sad) every day while we were on our road trip so i wouldnt forget what we did. Ill write it below this. After the birthday party in byron we didnt get up to much, just looked for work...figuring we werent going to get any, we booked the van and got a bus from byron to brisbane. I had to wait in brisbane on my own with a ton of luggage while sandy and alex collected the van! So...heres what we got up to.......Its not that exciting, just to warn you....
15.6.09 - Brisbane to Noosa
Drove to Noosa, went shopping and then stopped in a random carpark near the beach. We were told by some fellow campers that other campers had been awoken at a very early hour in the morning by the council...but we thought we would risk it. Had some food, played uno, watched southpark and went to our bed was used up by all the luggage so 3 of us had to sleep in the double bed (Cosey).
16.6.09 ....we were woken up at 7am by the council, telling us we had to move because it was illegal. So sandy got up and drove 100 yards to the beach...we parked up and had b/fast. We spent all day on main beach chilling out. In the evening we bought some beer, played uno and had some food, then drove to a random road to spend the night (risky)
17.6.09 - Noosa to Rainbow Beach ...had a rubbish night sleep, and we found out the cooker broke so we spent pretty much all day driving round finding someone to fix it! (broken regulator - $147) Parked up next to a lake and had good old eggs and toast...saw a manta ray too! Set off at 1ish to rainbow beach..stopped off at beach for sunset, then moved onto a campsite seeing as we didnt want to get fined. I hid in the back so they would only charge for two people (hard times). Had a nice hot shower, cooked chicken curry and had a early night.
18.06.09 - Rainbow Beach to Hervey Bay (Billy's 16th) Woke up at 9ish, had b/fast and set off at 11am, it was raining!!! so no beach today. Now in Hervey bay, had lunch near the beach. Went to tourist info centre...for some...yep info! Drove to yha hostel/campsite....i hid again. It was too expensive so we got our money back..found another place to stay on the side of the road again. Had spag bol..then spoke to billy on the phone to say happy birthday. Watched the spirit, then went to bed. 19.6.09 - Hervey Bay Alex decided to go to fraiser island for the and sand couldnt afford it and want to go for the 3 day tour so we had to wait for her all day! great fun! Played table tennis and tennis for a bit...went on net and laid by the pool! a hard day! Went food shopping, had tea, watched southpark and went to bed. (Stayed in the yha campsite for free...we didnt book, just drove in and parked up..ha)
20.6.09 - Hervey Bay to Gladstone
Left at 9am, had b/fast near beach...spoke to jim, danny and kob while they were on the piss. Drove to a rest area in Gin Gin 150km away for lunch. Played frisby and then moved onto south Gladstone to kip. Saw a golden eagle and dead kangaroos, dingo's on the way. That evening we played uno (sandy and alex take it way too serious)
21.6.09 - Gladstone to Marlbrough
Woke up at 8am, went to tannem sands for b/fast, drove 140km and then stopped in Rockhampton so alex could go on the net for 2 hours! Great fun! Left at 4pm to go to Marlbrough to spend the night. Drove through some villages which looked like something out of wolf creek! Spent the night in a hotel, which had land for campervans. $4 per person. Played uno! (again)
22.6.09 - Malbrough to Makay
Woke up at 9am, set off at 10:30am. Stopped off at cafe for good ol fish n chips. Onto Makay! We stopped of at campsite so we could recharge the mobiles etc. Had a quick swim there too...shaved my head and had a hot shower mmmmm. Ate mince and pasta and watched south park.
23.6.09 - Makay to Airlie Beach
Left Makay at about 10am. Went to Hydaway bay for a paddle, the tide was very far out so no swimming..water very warm! I drove to dingo beach after that..lots of eagles on the way! Walked around for a bit, then stayed in campsite...didnt pay for it, no one said anything so....Played uno while having a couple of cold beers.
24.6.09 - Airlie beach to Bowen
Woke up early and left campsite, we got away without paying! Drove to Bowen, went to a nice beach..went snorkling and laid on the beach...very relaxing day!! went for a walk then had a shower outside (cold) I then took a climb on some rocks to take a photo while wearing wet flip flops, which resultedme in cutting my little toe open. Went to buy bandage and chicken for tea....had a very early night for some reason!! Got woken up at 11pm by security and told to move. Found a rest area near by to stay at.
25.6.09 - Bowen to Townsville
Up at 8am, drove back to the beach in bowen. Took bandage off, not a nice sight so went to hospital AGAIN! All ok, no jab needed! phew! Back to the beach, had swim and sunbathed. Left for townsville at 2pm. Got subway, went to info center, drove through circuit of V8 supercars race which is in july, was pretty cool! Paid for a night in holiday park, got keys for holiday cabin instead! :) Shower, food, uno, beers, tv, bed! Fell out with alex because she takes UNO way too serious!
26.6.09 - Townsville cont....
Up at 8am. Michael Jackson has been found dead in his house!! :-0 Which started a conv about him faking his death to get away from everything...i think he's dead! Decided to stay another day here but changed sites. Went for a walk around the city, had a picnic, then went for a swim in rockpool. Went home, shower and went to watch transformers 2.
27.6.09 - Townsville cont...
Me and sand went for walk up mountain, very hot and tired! went for cooling swim in rockpool after. Came back..met alex. Put eardrops in for painfiul ear! Git very very painful so went to hospital. Got a bad ear infection called something something itus! ear very swollen! Got antibiotics and more eardrops. Had pain killer and went to bed.
28.6.09 - Townsville to Mission Beach
Woke up early so could get prescriptions. Went to national park to see fresh waterfalls and creeks. I couldnt swim because of my ear!!! Had food then set off again. stopped at rest area. Played uno and had rice and tom salad. Went to bed in pain.
29.6.09 - Cairns!
Set off at 10am. Got to Cairns at 2pm. Walked around looking at hostel prices....very warm! Founda hostel and booked for a week. $14 a night. Near lagoon. Stayed in campsite for the last time with jesse! sad sad times. Job searching starts tomorrow. :(
30.6.09 - Cairns!
s*** end to the trip! Alex broke up with sandy. So just us two for now. Took van back. Sandy went to hospital about his infected arm. Walked down the beach front...
And thats how it ended! Reading back, it wasnt really that exciting..but we did have a really good time, apart from a few little things. Anyway we are all pretty skint now so as i said we have to start job searching asap. Will update this in a few days if i can....i doubt much would have happened in that time. Bye Bye x
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