Ive got a few things booked up in cairns for the future. Scuba diving in the gt barrier reef, white water rafting, 2 days in cape trib, and i have already had a day in the rainforest; two days ago now. It was a good day apart from it raining all day; and because we were so high up, it was a lot cooler too. We went to a few waterfalls where we had a swim in each of them. The first one we couldnt swim because 29 people have died in the river beacuse of the underwater tunnels etc. Very dangerous! the second one i went to was nice but cold! there was a rick slide you could slide down! was really fun...the next one was a hige waterfall which was amazing. That was freezing! Its the same waterfall 'mysterious girl' and the timote ad was filmed! amazing huh? Photos will be on fb soon. We walked round the rainforest too, which was good. Nice meal, nice drive too. All in all a good day. Was actually nice to do something again. As times are hard, im not really getting up to much. Met some really cool ppl here in cairns though so its all good.
My 23rd birthday was ok. I had to work at 7:30am so i didnt go out. Just had a meal then went to the cinema with a few guys. Alex and sand were working so they couldnt come; but we had a bbq near the lagoon the next day which was nice. I got my cards from the fam back home on time, some sweets and cookies etc from home too, and a nice pressie from sand and alex! It was a quiet bday but good. Its true it gets less exciting every year! :(
I decided to get my eyebrow done aswell, have always wanted it done, and what better place to do it! away from home so the rents cant moan at me!! lol it looks ok though, so im happy. Not sure when im doing all my other activities yet, when the weather improves i guess. Nights on the goon are increasing too! good way to meet ppl though, thats my excuse. Will report back soon.
Over and out! x
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