Well the New Year got off to a shaky start with me finding out my mum had been taken quite sick. Was a bit of a scare I don't mind admitting. For a while the doctors didn't know what was wrong, but when things like heart attack and meningitis are being thrown around as possibilities I wasn't very happy being here in Sydney I can tell you. So anyway after over 2 weeks of not really knowing what on earth was going on or what was wrong, and after countless tests and scans the diagnosis was viral!
So, mum's been given the all clear to travel and arrives with dad to Sydney tomorrow. Whoo! So excited to show them around the city that's been home for the last 6 months! Obviously we'll have to take it easy and go at a bit of a slower pace than I'm used to(!!!), but we've got lots of exciting plans over the next couple of weeks. On Saturday 2nd we fly off to the Whitsunday islands to cruise on an old sailing boat, and then when we return to Sydney we'll be climbing the Harbour Bridge, which was a Christmas present from my brother! We'll fit in a trip to the Blue Mountains and I'm planning on driving mum and dad around all the beautiful Northern Beaches over the next few days as I have hired a car!
Enough of the future plans, since New Year I have been working as normal and obviously showing my face in the local drinking establishments on a few occassions. I finished at Northside, my contracted part time job, today. It was a great experience, but I don't think I want to work with adults with disabilities forever.
Sydney has been pretty busy lately with the Sydney Festival on throughout January and then Australia Day. I felt really proud to be a visitor in the country over the weekend. The Aussies really did themselves proud, and had a National Holiday to boot! It was also the Manly Surf Carnival which is an annual event and really busy. I went to watch a bit of it as Kat's dad was competing in the march past. The long weekend meant a lot of celebrating and an expensive weekend! I'm trying to save up for my onward travels now as they become ever nearer. The flat lease expires on the 13th Feb and I will be leaving Sydney soon after. I have been invited to yet another wedding on the 29th Feb and have had at least 5 offers of accomodation to put me up for those couple of weeks and hopefully I can get a bit of work!
I am planning to head to Melbourne and then just see what happens.
I lost the memory card out of my camera and with it about 200-300 photos so was a bit upset about that. I saw one of the actors from Home and Away the other day. He was crossing the road in front of the work car in Collaroy! The weather has been a bit of a mixed bag lately. Lots of rain again, but it's been hot for the last few days. I bet it rains tomorrow when mum and dad arrive! I had a fun night out in Kings Cross for Holly's birthday. Hadn't been there before so that's another thing I can tick off my list! My casual job has been fun lately. It's great for me as I get to see lots of tourist attractions and get to drive around to places too. Of course it's all with the clients in mind!
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