Hi, just a quick blog as it has been a quiet couple of weeks. I have been working as normal at Northside. I have got the job to do respite care with children and start in the school holidays.
I have a week off from Northside at the beginning of October and Katrina and I are going up to to Gold Coast to Surfers Paradise for 5 days from 1st to 5th Oct. Should be nice! And we get to spend Kat's birthday there!
I have looked into casual teaching over here too, even though I said I'd never do it!! Ha ha! Apparently the money's good! That's all I'm saying! I have an appointment with a recruitment agency next Thursday to interview and talk with them about it.
Last week I went to Taronga Zoo, and it has got to be the best zoo I have ever been to. It was so lovely. I got to go behind the scenes and touch the pets! Whoo hoo! Dream come true!
The photos I have just put up are of Paul's birthday (someone I work with), Taronga Zoo, some trips into the city, and other random stuff. The last couple of weeks have been very relaxed. I have been staying up very late, or getting up very early at weekends to watch the rugby world cup matches, been out a few times, but nothing big. Amy and her sister have travelled up the coast for a bit and get back next week, so things have been pretty quiet. I'm trying to save for my trip to Surfers though, so it works out well. I hope everyone is well. xxxx
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