So, here it is! Merry Christmas. Everybody's having fun!
Wow, time's flying. Can't believe it's already Christmas-time! It'll soon be the new year! Things have been ticking along nicely down under. After all of my birthday celebrations ended, you'll be pleased to know I've been working solidly in the past month or so. I'm pretty worn out but have finished work today for the Christmas break, so I'm sure some relaxing with a cold beer or two will sort that out! I'd like to say I can relax on the beach, but there's fat chance of that at the moment! The weather has been what I can only describe as utterly dreadful. I'm so disappointed!! The storms have been out of this world. There has been a lot of damage, and sadly even deaths because of the bad weather. The forecast for Chrismas day isn't encouraging either. Another wet Christmas day for me by the looks of it!
I thought I'd let everyone know my plans for the festive season. I'm attending a carol concert in the local church on Christmas Eve which will then be followed by a few drinks. On Christmas Day itself, I will be going over to my flat mate, Kat's, family's house and spending the day with them. So I will get a family Christmas, just not with the Turners! Boxing Day will be a chilled day and then on the 27th Kat and I are heading off up the NSW coast to Coffs Harbour for a few days relaxation. We'll be staying at our friend, Sally's house who's moving up there on Christmas Eve. Then for New Years I will be watching the famous Sydney fireworks from an outdoor site somewhere, yet to be decided.
I'm going to miss everyone. I always think of Christmas as a great time to see everyone and catch up and especially quality family time. It's going to be a bit different this year!
The new year will bring the visit from my mum and dad, and I'm so excited to see them. I've got so many things planned, and am leaving a lot of the things I want to do for when they're here, so we can enjoy it together. Don't know if there'll be enought time to fit it all in!
It also brings the end of an era, when I prepare to leave Manly and my cave-like flat for good. So, I'll make the most of the time I have left and have a great time and prepare for my onward journey!
May I take this opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy and healthy 2008! xxxx
P.s. Thank you for all of the cards I've received in the mail.
Pp.s. I'm doing my bit by writing the blog and uploading the photos! If you're reading and looking then tell me by writing on the message board and leaving comments! Lazy b*****s! Look forward to hearing from you! xx
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