Well I had a very exciting day today. I actually got up in time for the free breakfast but it really was crap so I ate my own cereal, drank my own tea and only had their oj. Had the 2nd worst muffin I've ever tastest. Worst was a bran "muffin" from Starbucks. Absolutely filthy!
I went to the World of Science today. I thought I'd go today over tomorrow imagining there might be lots of kids at the weekend. I don't think there would be as they were all there today. On school trips! AHGH!! So having swindled myself a student entry ticket I then had to fight the kids for a go on all the hands on activities such as trying to lift an elephant and pulling a rope to see how long our intestines were! The best bit was going to the OMNIMAX theater. Think huge dome shaped screen and then double the size!! I watched a movie called the Human Body and it actually had Robert Winston narrating. It featured great pictures of inside the human body and stuff. It was really cool! Even the kids clapped when it had finished!
I then caught the Sky Train back to the main shops and got some lunch at like 3pm. I was getting a bit peckish by then! I got sushi and then I got a coffee and walked back to the hostel. It's quite cold out but not raining or snowing today!
I've just had a shower so now I'm all clean and I've just swapped my book for another in the library so I suppose I'll go and read that now. Everyone else in my room is asleep! This reminds me of some people I know but I'm not sure who?...
I wonder if they'll get up and we'll do something tonight? I really want to see Sweeny Todd at the cinema but apparently its quite gruesome so I don't want to see it by myself but it has Johnny Depp so it must be good!
Tomorrow I think I might go down to Granville Island and mooch around the market there, etc. I'd love to see the hockey tomorrow nights but the hostel's share of tickets have sold out and I'm not sure how much I want to pay to see hockey! I nearly bought tickets for Thursday nights game as they were only $10 but I'm glad I didn't as it turned out it was an away game - in Atlanta. In Georgia.
Am supposedly speaking to Sarah on MSN tomorrow! Hopefully this time it will actually happen! I also need to find an internet cafe where I can print stuff as I have to check in and print out my boarding card for my flight back down to LA on Sunday morning. I decided it was worth paying double the price of a bus ticket to spend just three hours on a plane instead of 2 days on a bus and thats with no delays and no snow cancellations! Not risking getting stuck anywhere when I fly to New Zealand on Wednesday!
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