Well today I went up to Grouse Mountain - the Peak of Vancouver. Imagine the above picture without being about to see sky, trees or mountains and only white/grey!
I got the bus down to the waterfront, then the Sea Bus catamaran across the water and then another bus up to the car park at the base of the mountain. I then got in a big cable car that went up one mile to the mountain chalet. It started raining just before I got on the boat and then on the bus going up about half way in to the journey the rain turned to snow and it snowed all day! There was no visibility at all up on the mountain. You'll supposed to be able have amazing views over the city but I couldn't even see the trees! I didn't even attempt to ski or snowboard but I went ice skating on the highest outside ice pond in Canada. There was about an inch of snow on the top of the ice! It was great fun! I only fell over once! I then had to go inside and warm up as it was snowing really hard so everything was soaked. I had hot chocolate and pizza and then watched this movie which was an eagle's eye view over southern BC and Grouse Mt. It was really good. All we needed was moving seats and wind in our hair and it would have been like Soarin' at Disney! I should have suggested that as an addition!
I then went back outside and went on a "sleigh" ride. There were no horses though it was a caterpillar tractor! I got really cold on that as I was sitting on ice and I was collecting snow in my lap and on my shoes!
I then decided it was time to go back down so I got back on the Sky Ride (the cable car) and waited at the bus stop at the bottom for about 10 mins before the drivers of the buses already up there came and told us that because of the snow they weren't going to be going back down until a salt truck had been out. They said it could be an hour and they told us all to go and wait in Starbucks and they'll come and tell us when they're loading. So we did. Suddenly Starbucks got really busy! Only about 25 mins later they came in and said they were going to go. All the roads were clogged and it took us 45 mins to do a 20 min journey! But it was fun. The bus driver didn't make any of us pay and he kept making comments over the loudspeaker about the weather, etc. He said the Vancouver Transit company have recently changed their name. He asked us if we knew what their new motto was. We all said "No!" he said, "Well get you there eventually!" Love it! He was great. He told us all where we had to get off to get on different buses and how to get back to the Sea Bus as the bus we wanted wasn't running. We had to walk about 7 blocks downhill to the terminal and he told us he we get very wet and cold suddenly we've gone too far and we're in the water! We had to walk down a hill and as we went down the snow turned to sleet and then to rain. Rubbish! Snow is much nicer than rain.
On my way back to the hostel I stopped to get sushi for dinner which was great as it was so fresh and I got loads for no money. I got changed in to my pj bottoms when I got in as my trousers were wet even though i was wearing waterproof over-trousers. The waterproof trousers were dry on the outside but wet on the inside - explain that one!
Think tomorrow I'm going to go to this Science Center as it looks like great fun. Hopefully there won't be too many kids there to get in my way! Its all hands-on activities! Will let know how it goes...
By the way - I'm starting to feel more human now! Have just got a normal cold now. Yay!
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