Well I've finally got some time to update this properly.
I'm currently in a little town called Springdale, Utah on the outskirts of the Zion National Park. I'm aching all over after walking about 12 miles yesterday around La Vegas! We did go and see American Storm which was awesome! The drinks were a bit expensive though but the waiters were shirt-less so it wasn't too bad! After the show last night I'll not look at a cowboy the same way again! "Save a horse - ride a cowboy!" - It's a song...
Vegas was amazing. Absolutely sureal it's like Disneyland for grown ups. We went in to loads of the hotels and tried to win money on the slot machines. Sabina and I - who I'm sharing with - went to Madame Tussauds, which was great. I had my picture taken with Patrick Stewart Mum! I also got a picture of George Bush which when printed can be used as a dartboard!
I'm having a really good time. The group is a bit strange as they're mainly Korean and all they seem to do is sleep! They have the shortest legs and they nick the front seats of the van all the time. I mainly hang out with Sabina. She's a German aupair living in Ohio and she's really nice and she's 21.
I've been writing in my travel journal most nights so have got loads more information in there. We've been to so many places it's hard to remember what we've done!
We're in a totally beautiful place right now. We're in a valley surrounded by red rocks and the sun's going down now so it's really glowing red. This is possibly the most beautiful place I've ever been. It's just breathtaking.
I definately want to go back to Vegas sometime when I've got more time and money as it's expensive and there's so much to see and do.
We're going to get some food soon and then we're going to do laundry thank god as I have no clean clothes whatsoever! I smell like a campfire!
Will try and get back on the internet again soon. Still haven't found somewhere I can upload my photos. Have about 500 pics on my memory card that I really want backed up but there just aren't the facilities. May have to get them on a CD and then post the CD home. Will see what happens.
Must go
Love Rach xxx
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