Thought I'd check in to let you know I'm still alive! Am in Vegas now! Very cool. Yosemite was raining and awful, then we went to Bakersfield and went to a Country music concert hall which was
quite fun. The guy behind the bar eyed my passport with suspicion - don't think he'd seen a British passport before! Next off we drove over to Death Valley nation park which was really quite strange!
It was so barren. I couldn't decide if it was beautiful or not. We camped out and got freezing cold, nearly eaten by coyotes and we met some Texans!...
Can only make really quick updates at the mo as internet is really expensive and few and far between. Next up will be Zion and then the Grand Canyon. Looking forward to this a lot!
Tonight we're going to get hammered! Can't decide if we're going to see a strip show or not!! Only kidding Mum (Not really - friends!)
Hee hee!!
Love ya xxx
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