"Oh, the Places You'll Go!"
I know some of you have been worried that the "study" part of my study abroad experience has been slacking and trust me I will be the first to admit it! But how could I come all this way and spend all (or any) of my time in the library - no worries I am doing just fine in my classes. I did have two papers and a presentation due this week! Now I am free (well at least free from assignments) until finals!!! I have been continuing my service at the homeless shelter where they have moved me to the clinic - they are really short staffed so one day they basically said you are now in charge of the clinic good luck! It gets really crazy and busy but I love it! I leave for the East Coast on Thursday to travel for the weekend.
- comments
Sister Diana Glad to hear that you are keeping up with your studies. I do agree you need to take advantage of all the opportunities you have while abroad. Continue to enjoy yourself and to learn from all of these fabulous experiences. You should consider writing an article for UD & Beaumont. Keep well and thanks for sharing your experiences. I continue to pray for you every day. Blessings!
Ann RA, head of homeless shelter -- gosh you're busy! No doubt in my mind Boo Boo was keeping up with schoolwork, too!
Dad Sister Diana's suggestion about writing an article for the UD & Beaumont is a good one. You might even think about other, Travel Section Plain Dealer. You write well and your descriptions of your "adventures" are captivating to read. More responsibilities at the shelter and busy. This too must be a learning and growing experience. And it is nice to hear there is some "study" in the "study abroad". We kid you, Elizabeth, because we know your nature and you would not forget one of the reasons you are "studying abroad"