Amazing pictures to capture your incredible experiences! So grateful for your wonderful opportunities. Continue to be safe and take care. Blessings!
Mrs. Riley
What wonderful views of God's great earth! And you have seen it from just about every angle! Be safe, continue having fun! See you when you return!
Mrs. R
Sister Diana
Wondering what's next for a new adventure. Of course, I'm always interested in what is happening with your courses. You are certainly having experiences beyond belief. I'm not sure we will recognize you when you return.
Continue to be well, take care and learn a great deal. I look forward to your "book." Blessings!
Cecilia Dolgan
Elizabeth, I can't believe how easily you travel from coast to coast in Australia. Perth is as far from Sydney as SanDiego is to New York City --maybe farther. Sydney is a treat, an unbelievably walkable to see a lot.
The skydiving escapade was really far out.
But as long as you landed safely, hvala Bogu.
(Thank God!) Good that you have the opportunity and are taking advantage of everything.
Pat Bon Skye And Blu
We are amazed and thrilled to see all the outrageously fun things you are experiencing - more than a lifetime for most - what will be nex? A trip to Mars perhaps? Can you bring us back a pet kangaroo - they are so cute. Love you tremendously and so proud of your spirit.
Art & Louise Haffner
How are we going to keep you in Cleveland now that you've been to Australia ??
It looks like you're making the most of your visit ...criss-crossing the continent seeking new adventures at every chance you get.
We've enjoyed reading your well written blog and viewing your photos.
Sister Agnesmarie
Oh to be young, brave and adventurous again!
Sister Diana
I see your "bucket list" is filling up with amazing adventures. Thanks for sharing your pictures and incredible tales of travel. Continue to be well and enjoy each moment. Blessings!
Sister Agnesmarie
I loved outdoor camping but it was a BIG upgrade from the Outback! Now my camping is called a motel.
Sister Diana
Absolutely amazing adventures! You will have so much to share about your time "down under." Be safe in your next travels.
This Easter will be an experience of a wonderful, marvelous, loving God! May you have a blessed Holy Week.
Ann Potter
This adventure takes the cake! Wow! You are truly making the most of your experience. Incredible! Love staying updated through your blog and photos. We miss you but are so happy you are enjoying yourself :):)
Patricia Clarke
Pic s clouds camels turtle starfish crab water etc. and you amazing !!!