Day 315, 15 May 2013, South Beach, Miami (Florida). It was 0-600 hours when the alarm went off - in the words of Robin Williams in the movie "Good-morning Vietnam" - "What's the "0" stand for? Oh my god it's early!"
It is the essence of sunrises however that they never occur at sensible times of the day. We pulled on some clothes and strolled to the water and we had timed it perfectly. No sign of the sun. We had a walk along the shore. We paddled, we checked our watch... and turned around and in the quietest way possible the sun had just started to poke it's blazing head above the bedcovers of the Atlantic Ocean. It's been a long while since we've had an ocean sunrise... many photos were taken, much oohing and ahhing was done and with the business of the day dealt with, we went back to bed. It was much, much later in the day when we emerged for a stroll and headed to Espanola Way - haunches of jambon, tapas bars to the left and the right - almost (almost) more Spanish than Spain. Had an very pleasant cruise up and down the street and stopped in at Heart & Soul - great little store owned by another traveller - we talked forever and had a great time (check it out at
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