Day 199, 19 January 2013, Bansko Quarantine Ward, Bulgaria. Oh alright - not really. But it might as well be. James is in the grip of man-flu. He only coughs violently and out of control when he breathes, thinks or is about to say something. CDC (Centre for Disease Control) has been notified. Any day now van loads of men dressed in plague prevention suits will arrive and spirit him away. Til that happens I have pillows on hand if the coughing gets too much (for me that is). Apparently it's that attitude of non-sympathy to man-flu that is wrong with the world. Mind you, I was on my knees praying to the porcelain god at 3 am so the well of sympathy is running dry and the milk of human kindness is on the verge of curdling. We had to leave the room briefly mid-afternoon just to allow cleaning to occur. The owner of the chalet appears to be made of fairly stern stuff. Thankfully. Clean sheets every couple of days is a highlight of our existence since we've set up home in bed. All a bit John & Yoko really. I'm sure we'll be on our respective roads to improvement tomorrow.
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