Natalie's adventures
Well, I'm still in Auckland! Not really done very much for the last few days. I now have a NZ bank account (still trying to figure out how to get money from my English account into it though), in a few days my tax number will be issued and I have a postal address. I have moved to a different hostel as the one I was in was a bit too quiet and I was hoping to meet a few people around my age. The only problem with the new place is that I'm sharing a room with boys (yuck)!! Mind you, I wouldn't be complaining if it was the two of the guys from the Maori cultural show I saw at the Auckland Musuem yesterday. During the show they were described as "handsome, muscular warriors" and I fully agree with that description!!!
I went on a free day trip around Auckland on Wednesday with one of the backpacker companies. You are supposed to buy their bus passes but I went along coz I had nothing else to do. It was quite a good trip but I didn't make any friends or travel companions. I did see the two Irish girls from my train to Kal though, so I know they are around the city somewhere. I'll most likely find them in an Irish bar!
Today I caught the ferry over the harbour to Devonport, stood on top of a volcanoe (Auckland has a lot of volcanic cones, some still not extinct, hopefully none will erupt while I'm here), had a look around the shops then had some chups (Kiwi for chips) but I declined the fush (fish). That kept me entertained for an hour or two.
I talked to Mum on the phone to discuss the plans for when she comes over with Andrew so that was quite exciting!! In the evening I took myself off to a bar, on my own and watched the Tri Nations game between South Africa and Australia.
I'm running out of things to do, I'm not really a city person and I did all the city type stuff (zoo, aquarium, museums, shops etc) in Australia. After I've been to Wellington next weekend for the rugby, I'm thinking off heading back to Auckland, then going further up North and maybe getting a job for two weeks while I wait for Mum and Andrew. Some of the hostels offer accomodation in exchange for a few hours work so I might try that.
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