Sorry for the delay in updating you on our adventures we have been so busy !!! no time to get to a computer??
We took the bikes from jen and Mike's and borrowed Mike's truck and drove to Pansville which is about 16k from jen and Mike's house Jon would not let me drive I don't know why though??? we had a coffee and some lunch then caught the ferry over to Raymond island it is a 5 mintues crossing and the ferry goes along tracks at the bottom, we then headed off on the bikes to see the Koala's whould like on the island with the small comunity, we had a good ride around and did 16k with out stopping it was a great day but we were really dirty as most roads are just tracks good exercise though. We headed back to jen and Mike's and had a chill out evening.
nect day we went to Mutung as we drove in we realised we had been here before so had a walk around and another coffee and went to a homestead and looked around the gardens and look looks That evening Alan and Barb the neighbours invited us to a bbq at theres it was great they live on another beautiful house and have an orchard which they gave us loads of fruit from they also have land where they keep cows, we had a great night so much food and drink but really good fun.
Thursday it was sadly time to leave jen and Mikes for a while and drove back to Wantirna this took about 3 hours, it was great to see jack again telling him what we have been upto, I cooked that night for the three of us and had an early night.
Friday Jon and Nathan had arranged to have a game of tennis, so when Nathan said he would book somewhere er just though a local court, OH NO the only booked center court at the Rod laver arena ( OZ equ to Wimbeldon) to play what an amazing experience fo them, unfortunatly Jon left the camerta in the car??? so no photos but they had a great game and Jon bet Nath by 2 sets!! I deceided not to go and let the boys play so I went out for my first run since we got here!! there are so many places to run around hear and so pretty is was good alot better than I had expected I did 10 k and though that will do, went back to jacks did the normal toning etc and showered and went to the shops for a little look about, When Jon ( aka Andri Ing!!!) got back later he was stuffing a bit a bit stiff so sent the rest of the day chilling in the garden, then I cooked a chilli for the three of us.
Saturday morning was an early start ( 8am ) !!! as we were going out wioth Nath ,Memette and nath's dad Paddy who is over from the UK out onto the sea, we drove to Nathan's and he came out and drove to the boat yard only to get there and start walking to a beautiful 2 bedroomed yaht!! it is worth 1/2 a million??? as they had, had a late night the other to were still getting up so we jumped onto the yaht and cruised round to pick them up just outside their aparment, we then headed off to St Kilda and moored up for some breakfast on the Marina the sun was shining and it was beautiful even better that you could hear the F1 cars warming up!! we then cruised out of St Kilda and then Nathan hit the Throttel it was great we stopped at Brighton out from the beach and Jumped in off the back of the Yaht at bit cold at first but it was great, Nathan and Jon swam into the beach and back I deceided it looked to far for me and sun bathing on the yaht seem more pleasing!! we then set off to Black rock where there is a ship sunk and stopped and had fish and chips straight from the shore and sat and eat them in the sun with a few beers and Champers!! then went to Williamstown and moored there and there was an arts festival on so strolled around that and then sadly had to take the yaht back, It was great fun, great day, great weathe, and great company.We then drove back to jack's and had a takeaway!!
Sunday we had a lazy morning Andri Ing was still suffering a bit of stiffness in theose old legs of his!! and then headed off to the grand prix at Albert park, It was so easy i could not beleive it, we drove to Nathan's left the car there started walking th 40 mintues to Albert park and saw a taxi so jumped in 4.00pounds later dropped of at a gate walked up paid for the tickets and walk straight in!!!, the day was great it was nice and warm and the atmosphere was amazing, I really can not explain it and how good it was, except how Loud they were !!! I tried many times to get some photos but they are so fast I think I got one of the end of a car out of about 150!!!! we stood and watch some of the race then walked around the grounds there was so much on it was fab, there was to amazing cars there and so pretty fancy area;s of which sadly we were not aloud in!!, stayed to the end of the race then walked out jumped into a taxi and back to pick the car up, I did try to call home just so my dad could get an idea of what its like to be at a grand prix!!! but It was really hard to hear anything.
Today is wahing day at email catch up, we are sorting out what we need to take with us as we are off to Port Dpuglas ( Queensland) on Wednesday for 10 days.
Must go time to put another load of washing in!!!!
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