Wednesday - Today we went to the den of nargen it is an aboriginal site in the Mitchell River national parks, the walk is amazing but tricky you walk down the foot paths this seems all ok then you hit boulders and massive sone with just a sheer drop on your right hand side it took us 20 mintues to walk down and was worth it, it is beautiful normally there is a waterfall over the top of the rock abouve but was not following today, we sat and enjoyed then headed back up back over the loose rocks etc let just say it was that steep that by the time we had got to the top we were breathing a bit heavier!!! ( normal us we decied to do it at the hottest time of day!!!) we carried on and walked down to the Mitchell River wuth the rapids this was great to a lot easyer not having to climb over as many rocks, there is a look out oint on your way down to the River where you can see the parks woodlands.After a small break down at thr river we climb back up once again breathing a bit heavier by the time we reched the top.
We drove back to jen and Mikes and pick up a Mango smoothie on the way!!!! then went out on the ppuch bikes along another strech of the Mitchell River, the sun was shining and it was a beautiful ride we ended up doing just over 10k the only thing was on they was back its up hill to Jen and Mikes, but great exercise and really enjoyed it ( I can not remember the last time we rode bikes) and yes Mum we did where helmets.
Stayed in that night did some washing and of course ad a few drinks!!
Today we are off to Philip Island this is about 3 - 4 hours from Jen's about an hour from Jacks, Jen's Daughter and Husdand and kids live there and have invited us down for a few nights , this will be grest to meet the family and to explore the island as last time we only went to the Penguin Parade.
I will update you when we get back as need to pack now and the sun out with Bkue skies so a good one today.
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