Hi all,
So sorry for not updating you all , I am getting really bad!!! still in Melbourne at the mo but off on Friday for our next adventure and it includes camping under the stars!!!!!!.
We are still having a great time Melbourne is great so much to do in the city and Victoria its Self, We have spent alot of time with Jack over the past few days as our time with him is so limited now it really is very special.
have been out for a few days out vistiting local area's a few shopping centers included ( only on rainy days) but still managed to spend some money!!! , went out with Nathan and Mimette into melbourne on saturdays night had a great time went to some really funky bars ( you would not find them if you were not a local) and had a great meal out, stayed at there apartment, sunday the weather was great unlike my head!!! feeling a bit tired as only 5 hours sleep!!! and alot of drink, made our way back to Jack's and went out for a massive walk the sun was shining it was great, have spend a lot of time with Jack's friends over the past day and sorting out jack's unit so not up to to much but days are just flying by, Jack had vistors old friends over from Adalaide so spent the afternoon with them, really nice people and have kindly offered to take us out when we get there, We have been scooter shopping for jack, he is looking at chaning his and getting more of a electric chair for indoors, and doctors trips so the days are filling up.
Today we have been to Healsville sabctury about an hour from jack's, it is in the area which was affected by black saturday fires, had a great day wondering around the park and meeting the Tassie devil and the Birds of pry show was great took some great photos, got totally freaked out by the Pelican's following us about, off out to Bob and bev's for dinner tonight .
Must go time has run out agian, will update photo's soon as have loads to do.
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