Why isn't tallness a recognised disability?
Last night I had the 4 bed room all to myself as Tyler checked out for a few days but said he'd be back, I hope he is too. I finished off the fruit muffins and predictably the Aussie was just getting in again, he is still insane but I do like him.
Marched off to get the ski shuttle and was determined to make some good progress. I did make some progress, wow that was quick. I went on the slope that I fell down yesterday and am slowly getting confident and making the best of the parellel turns at this early stage. In ski speak I am currently at level 3a.
Shared some enjoyable rides on the chairlifts with random people. One ageing kiwi who had been skiing for 50 years told me that he "hadn't much time for Americans" and when a chair lift opeartor asked the Australian guy if him and I were together, he said "yeah, but not in a gay mardi gras kinda way".
Its amazing how all these little conversations with random people can really brighten up your day, particularly when travelling round on your own. It was then time for a few chair lift rides with Nicola, which was obviously a pleasure. She keeps trying to get me to go on slopes above my level, I think she wishes serious harm upon me.
Back to the hostel for about 5, still got the room to myself, awesome. Im amazed at how much this skiing lark takes out of you. However, as the french ski instructor said to me over a teeth brushing session - "zis iz good no? it means you iz doing a good job". GOOD JOB!
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