Neil's Round the World Trip!
Today I got up really early for my Spanish class and walked up to the beautiful area of San Blas where my Spanish school is. I met Rosita and Bridgitte outside the school and then walked the short distance to our classroom. Adriana then taught us the imperfect preterite tense and the various uses of the tense. It was pretty intense (scuse the pun). I had another great hot chocolate from my fave cafe in the world (Muse Cafe). We continued doing tense exercises and then we had conversations in Spanish. I discovered Adriana is also Palestinian/Peruvian and is related to Vanessa (how strange!)
The class finished and I was glad it was the Dutch girls last day, she pissed me off so much. I would be speaking Spanish to Adriana and she wouldn't know some word that I used. So then she would be like 'What are you saying, just tell me what you want to say?'in a condescending Dutch voice. The teacher understands well enough and I'm not talking to you so shut the hell up. She would slow the class too, ¨Adriana in the Netherlands we dont have a word for this..haha...oh maybe we do its gojko¡jol? Just totally irrelevant conversation.
I walked back to the hostel and chilled out in my dorm. I was deciding what to do when one of the Peruvian cleaners who I think likes me but is married (I'm sure that`s what she said). Anyway she came in called me `gatito`as usual and recommeded I try a cheap restaurant down the road. So off I went to Don Pedrito and had the menu of the day. The soup was a little weird, imagine stock with floating whole potatoes..yes whole potatoes! I watched Peruvian football on the huge television (nearly every restaurant has tvs it`s a little anti-social I think).I sat amongst hungry Peruvian families hungrily wolfing down their stock and munching on their floating potatoes. I then had chuleta and rice; I didn`t know what chuleta was...hmm...oh well I`ll eat it anyway. I later found out chuleta means T-bone steak...but what meat? I guess we`ll never know eh?
I walked up the exhausting hill my hostel is on and then sent a few emails. I sent an abusive email to Monty after I checked my contact list for the updates and saw he`d unsubscribed! It`s understandable, the jealousy sometimes gets the better of people and also the questionable prose. Also Monty who likes his food was annoyed by the amount of detail I`ve given to my meals..ah well. I can see who`s unsubscribed so watch out it could be you next getting an abusive email!!
I then sat in the hostel lounge studying my Spanish but the two English druggies were making `the full English mate`in the kitchen and constantly kept going in and out chatting to me asking pointless questions (making me lose my concentration). They were so drugged up their pupils were like black saucers. I took refuge in my large dorm and continued studying until 7pm.
However around 7pm an Australian came in and started chatting to me. He`d travelled around South America for a year. He told me stories of close shaves he`d had with Colombian mafia and Venezuelan gunmen. He also went into great detail about all the incredible Brazilian girls he`d been with. The guy was full of himself and so when he asked me to go for drinks I said I rather study Spanish. I studied until 9 then Chris came in and told me he stayed over at Vanessa`s farm. He said he had a great night`s sleep in their massive guest room. He had dinner with Vanessa and her mum last night. He asked me if I fancied going out for a meal.
We went to a great bar/restaurant called Los Perros and had a Spanish paella. Chris has typhoid remember and was told to avoid spicy food and eat plenty chicken and rice. Well 2 out of 3 isn`t bad he had a really spicy chicken curry.Whatsmore he left his antibiotics at Vanessa`s farm. We chilled out in the bar and drank some Cusqueña beer. We walked home and went to sleep early at 11pm. However we were all woken up at roughly 5.30am by the Australian guy and a Canadian girlm for want of a better expression "going for it!" and making a lot of noise! Aaaah....the joys of sleeping in a 10 bed dorm. Really, a little consideration wouldnt have gone a miss; a hotel room doesn't cost much and you don`t have to wake everyone up!
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