Neil's Round the World Trip!
I got up early this morning for my Spanish lesson and had a quick bite to eat (flat bread rolls and jam of course). It took me 20 minutes to walk to my school which is uphill in the San Blas area. I met Rosita, the Dutch girl who is also in my class then I met my attractive teacher Adriana (muy guapa!). There is also a Swiss girl called Brigitte in my class. Wew walked down the windy, cobbled streets and reached the school's classrooms. We started chatting in Spanish about what we'd done the previous day. If there are words we don't know the teacher will prompt us in Spanish. The Dutch girl knows the most Spanish and therefore talks the most. We talked about our favourite things. The Dutch girl went on a rant about "Breakback Mountain or Secreto de Montaña" saying how people had walked out of the Peruvian cinema when she saw it. I know roughly what happens so that's not surprising given it's a very Catholic country.
We had a break and I went to my favourite cafe called Muse and oredered a hot chocolate. I chatted to Rosita who had an amazing fruit salad.
We returned to our class and talked about our favourite holiday in the past tense. The class finished at 1pm. I had my lunch in San Blas (3 course meal for 1 pound). I walked across town and spent an hour in an internet cafe. I then walked back to my hostel and chilled in my empty dorm. I spoke to a Canadian girl who moved in from Vancouver. Then 2 Scottish people came in from guess.....Millport. So yes we chatted about; cycling the island, Crocodile rock etc. More people came in and it soon became apparent that they had all been on the Inca trail together and had formed an inseperable bond.
Chris wasn't in, he's gone to the farm in the Sacred Valley to have a meal with Vanessa at her house. There's a good chance corn could be the main ingredient given she has acres of maize fields.
I walked down to Plaza de Armas in the late afternoon as rain clouds gathered above the city. We went to the Museo de Arte y Monasterio de Santa Catalina. I got my boleto turistico stamped and we daundered into the museum. There were loads of depressing paintings of Jesus bleeding to death on the cross. Also there were ceramic Jesus models everywhere with numerous bleeding wounds. It was a beautiful building with a magnificent church that you weren't allowed access to but could view through a barrier.
We walked around the square via the notorious "Gringo Alley" where gringoes get ripped off and pay five times the price of a meal just for a menu in English!
We walked up to the San Blas area and found a great little bakery that does empanadas etc. I passed on the empanada (after my bus more). I had a mate de coca (coca tea) and a cake. We chatted for a few hours and watched people walk by with hilarious big rainproof ponchos. This is the first time it's rained since I arrived I think it's because my dad's coming-bringing the Scottish weather with him, no doubt.
I walked back to my hostel and sat on my bed listening to my mp3 on my phone with it's limited number of songs to choose from. I can't wait to get an Ipod or equivalent when I come home. I fell asleep listening to the dulcet tones of Julio Inglesias (for Spanish learning purposes all right!). I got up before 9pm and made my way to the hostel kitchen and had a delicious burrito but it never filled me up. The collective Inca trail group invited me out but I stayed in and studied my verbs (shocking I'm serious about becoming fluent ok conversational). I thought Chris would come back but at 11pm when I put the lights off he still hadn't returned...muy interesante.
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