This week was much less exciting then the last. I have learned that I find walls going up much more exciting than the flooring. And it was a floor/ceiling week and there wasn't really anything new that happened. For that reason, I have a super short post this week. On Monday the guys started to make the moulds for the cement ceiling, then they laid the first layer of steel rods. Next the electricians came by and laid out the tubing for the wires to go in later. And then the cement came and a ceiling/floor was created.
Little side projects that happened this week, was cleaning out the basement. It had rained quite a bit so they sucked out all the water and cleaned it up. They created the foundation and cement poles to support the covering of the seating area. The seating area will have a concrete slab flat roof that is supported by 2 pillars. And, kinda aside from the build, but Hans made us a nice cemented walkway for the time being, as it was alittle muddy (especially after all that rain).
Like I said short and sweet. Next week it is only a 3 day work week but they are starting on the walls, so it should be more exciting. Thank you all for visiting and your continued interest.
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