Nick got up and sorted the dog out at 4am so the rest of us got to sleep in. The three smaller ones have been banned from playing on their iPods before 630am as they make too much noise and wake everyone else up so instead this morning Nick and I were woken to a count down to 630!!! Only ten minutes to go, only 5 minutes to go, only 3 minutes to go…..!! Nick made pancakes for breakfast and then we went for a long walk along the beach meeting a few other dogs for Tally to play with. Once we got back we spent a few hours doing some schoolwork. Anna is completing the boy's science book and a spare year 2 spelling book! The boys have started on a year 3 handwriting book as Matty's in particular is out of control! All three of them are also concentrating on their times tables and hopefully will know their 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 10s and 11s by the time they go back to school next year - Anna has them down pat already!! Katharine completed a year 6 maths diagnostic test and it highlighted a few areas she needed to work on. They finished up just in time for lunch and then went off to the playground and met a couple of other kids. Eventually, we walked down to Emu Point and grabbed an ice cream. The area was deserted so we ignored the anti dog signs and sat on the grass enjoying the sunshine while the kids played in the sand. Once they'd had enough we walked to towards the dock and let the dog have a run along the beach - she loves chasing birds and the seagulls had fun tormenting her! Back at home the kids went off to the playground while I did some work and Nick chatted to his family. The kids came home for dinner briefly and then went back out again until it got dark - sometimes they get on beautifully together and can play for hours!!! They had a very quick shower and then went off to bed, the boys passing out straight away. Unlike Annie who snuck out of her bed and climbed in with Nick for an extra cuddle!!
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