Woke up at 650am and thought I'd better get up as its pack up day. Sat and read outside for a while until the others stirred. Then it was breakfast and time to hitch on - we are getting pretty quick at it now! We were on the road by 10am and had a 3 hour trip south to Coffin Bay. Not a lot to see on the way and it was a hot day for SA - 36 degrees. We reached Coffin Bay around 1pm and checked into the caravan park - quite disappointing after Streaky Bay as it's more expensive ($65 a night) and not on the beach as I thought - in fact you can't even see the water from our site. The amenities are spotless but there are also a lot of rules that go with everything! We set up the van and had a coffee with the air con blasting then drove into town for a look around and a loaf of bread. There is one general store and one little cafe in town and not a lot else. We went back to the van and had lunch and everyone was too hot to do very much. Katharine and I had a siesta for a few hours; Matty, Jonny and Anna watched TV and Nick read the paper from cover to cover. By 5pm we were ready to venture out again and headed down to the main beach in town. It was not very nice but I think we are spoilt in WA. It's an estuary rather then a beach with lots of stones, shells and mud to wade through to get into the water and then it doesn't get very deep. We were advised to go out to Farm Beach, about 30 minutes drive away, but we didn't have the energy - maybe tomorrow. We came home for dinner and were amazed to find out it was 730pm - still light and hot. We had dinner outside at the BBQ area and the kids played in the playground. Kangaroos had started to come out and the kids were thrilled. By 930pm everyone was showered and in bed but feeling a little homesick - especially Katharine. I'm sure it's just the heat sapping everyones energy and there is no respite in site - at least 5 days in the 40's still to come!!
- comments
Mum and Grandma .Hi Everyone. Grandma's funeral today. All the hymns they had were chosen by Grandma so she would have been happy. Mary read the Eulogy and Megan represented the Grandchildren. It all sounded like Grandma/ Lots of tears and laughter
Mum and Grandma We are missing you all. Talk to us soon Katharine. We miss your chats. Lots of love to you all/ Grandma and Mum xxx
Kirstie Hi guys enjoying reading your travel blog. Katharine, Katie is searching for your corner. Are you still writing it??? The walkers