The boys woke up just before six and had to be separated, as they couldn't keep quiet. Matty was moved to the couch and everyone else managed to sleep on until 7am. The mornings in Kakadu are fantastic - a perfect temperature outside and no mossies!! Nick and I sat outside and enjoyed the peace for as long as the kids would let us and then I made them all breakfast while Nick did the laundry. Once we were all cleaned up we set off in the car for the Nourlangie Region and went for a walk around the Anbangbang Billabong. The walk was 2.5km long and took you around an absolutely stunning billabong. Unfortunately the sign we saw at the start of the walk warning of croc sightings close to the path scared Katharine and she spent the entire time jumping at shadows!! I must say that I kept my eyes peeled and the kids close the entire time!! We had just begun to relax a bit when we spotted a croc on the bank of the billabong having a sunbath - luckily there was a tree log between it and us!! The bird life on the water was amazing and the surface was covered in water lilies - it was a really beautiful place. Despite the temperature of 33 degrees a really cool breeze blew the entire time so it seemed the perfect place to spend the morning. Once we'd finished the walk we had some morning tea and then drove to the Nawurlandja Lookout, a 600 m climb up rocks to stunning views of the escarpment. At the top all we could see were treetops and there was no sign of the huge billabong we had just walked around below! We headed home and had a small late lunch before settling down to a couple of hours of schoolwork in our air-conditioned van. Everyone did a lot better today. We went for a swim in the late afternoon and then after dinner the kids had a play with the friends that they have met until it got too dark and the mossies came out. Everyone had an early night to make up for the early start this morning.
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