All of us slept quite well considering we were camped in a car park and woke up around 7am. I got up and made us coffee at 8am and forgot we'd gone back half an hour as we entered the NT so the noise of the generator was probably a bit early for some!! We were on the road by 8.30am and had an uneventful trip through to Elliot, where we filled up with fuel. The small town was absolutely full of caravans travelling in both directions! Ever since leaving the coast there has been a mass of caravans on the road, even in the middle of nowhere so the sense of isolation is much less compared to WA. About 1km North of Elliott we took a long dirt bumpy road that led to Lake Woods but the 11km detour was well worth it as the lake was stunning, and huge! About 20 caravans were parked around the shore and we found a spot on a bit of a slope but right on the water's edge. We made lunch and then spent the entire afternoon watching the water and reading while the kids pretended to be horses!! Lake Woods is home to thousands of Pelicans and they seemed to spend their day flying from one end of the lake to the other in groups of 50 to 80, skimming just over the top of the water. Once they were in a big group they would start making the most amazing din and water would go flying all over the place before they would start taking off again and repeat the process further along the lake! We went for a long walk before dinner and then ate outside watching the sunset, which was beautiful.
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