The sea went from calm to lumpy as we passed out of the fjord and into the Pacific. Last night was light until about 10 and we passed by land on both sides, which had snow covered mountains.
This morning I woke to 10 degrees and force 6 winds. This made for a brisk post-breakfast mile! No land in view. At 11:00 we turned into a channel between islands and headed for the glacier. The wind immediately dropped, the seas calmed and the sun felt warmer.
We arrived at the Amalia Glacier at 17:00 after a beautiful sail in. There was quite a breeze, but when the sun shone, it was amazingly warm. We stopped about a mile and a half from the glacier. It was OK, but compared to the Hubbard Glacier that I saw in Alaska a couple of years ago, it a minnow. Just before I went down for dinner, we stopped front on another, smaller, glacier that looked way better. It was just a cascade of white and blue tumbling into the sea.
I managed to get to the Individual Quiz and lost by one point. However when I checked my paper afterwards, I'd been mismarked and should have been in the tie break. C'est las vie. However, we then won another bottle in the musicals quiz and I won third prize in the casino draw, which was a meal for two in The Glasshouse, to be used by Valparaiso. Barbara won the draw to accompany me. We lost the Syndicate.
When I was going to bed I realised my brown jacket wasn't in the room. I think I must have taken it off in Horizon when I was having a cup of tea after the glacier, it hadn't been handed in when I asked at reception. Let's hope it's there tomorrow when I ask or tomorrow's glacier viewing and Monday's visit to Puerto Montt will be chilly affairs.
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