guys iv got 1 more day at work and then were off to Cairns to do the Kurranda railway and aboriginal show and finally a barrier reef trip to do us some snorkelling before leaving OZ for Singapore, i have to tell ya this story 1st its amazing, me & ells decided to hire a boat for the day n try find us some crocodiles in the wild, my friends we did just that, we seen 5 of the dudes just sunning them selfs on the banks of Port Douglas, i was buzzing when we seen them, its amazing to see them anywhere but in the wild it was so much differant, people in the zoo's feeding them is a lot differant to seeing them wild, anyway i was snap-happy (with the camera that is), we took a picnic n chilled up river, i must admit i was a wee bit on edge, the fact no one else was about apart from me,ellie and a river full of crocs, any way what a cool experience that was, so we are leaving yet another job with cash-money in the bank (thankfully), and we are leaving our little home behind after selling him to a french guy, our tent was the b******s, it was massive with little compartments everywhere, so we rolled our mats up and handed the keys to the new owner all was done for our stay in Port Douglas, this place is really nice, loads to do and still small enough for it to be naturally stunning, so im now looking forward our reef trip, we have choosen to do the outer barrier reef where at the moment there is humpback whales travelling up to have their calfs, if i manage to see these fella's i will be over the moon, i wanted to see them in Hervey bay but we where to early so hopefully we will see them before jetting off on tue, im sad that im leaving Oz but looking back we have done soo much, this country is cool as, so much to see and do, i could spend more time here for sure, anyway dudes time for a cold beer so i will probably be updating from Asia next, iv got loads of pics to upload so keep checking also, see ya.
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