Hello Folks,
It has been a while since i have written a blog so you're going to have to cut me some slack for bad grammar or slang (sorry mum). Well as most of you probably know we are now in New Zealand. Yay.
So chuffed to be back on the travelling as much as we loved living and working in melbourne it is nice to feel like we are going to be doing loads of exicitng stuff and not really knowing what you are going to be doing everyday!Can't wait! Big Hellooo to our new Blog Members from work - miss you loads!
Anyway our flight to New Zealand wasn't the best good old Jet Star or 'Jit Star' as the kiwi's say it! They do talk rather oddly and have some very dodgy driving rules - im sure matt will explain at a later date but in no country should you ever have to let people turning right at a traffic light have a priority when you are turning left - very random!
So after a 3 hour flight from Melbourne to Christchurch we landed and to our suprise it was 19 degrees at 11pm - not bad eh?? We then went to pick up a hire car and start our long drive from Christchurch to Dundedin (roughly 400k's) not that far for you ozzies but we are still Poms and when you have already been awake for 15 hours its not the funnest thing you could imagine doing! So with our lil mitsubushi Colt, bloody automatic, hire car we set sail. We made it about 2k before feeling we had deserved a well earned rest and got a maccy d's!We really do know how to test out a countries cuisine!lol
The maccy d's was lovely but the carrots in the chicken burger ratheer random i might say. I - determined to keep Matt company whilst we did the drive promised to stay awake and sing badly to him for 4 hours to help him stay awake. What a trooper i am! Well about 2 hours in i fell asleep for basically the rest of the drive - even Matt slamming on the brakes to miss a rabbit couldn't wake me. I make one good driving buddy. We finally got to Dundein about 4am. We searched for Ed and Sara's flat for a good half an hour before giving up and calling them. Ed came to meet us in his space wagon (very cool car) and showed us to the airport to drop the car off! We got back to Ed's and i decided to crash as it was now 6am and officially xmas eve. Matt and Ed were like excitable puppies and were so excited to see each other that they stayed up for ages so had very little sleep.
So New Years Eve, Sara had booked us a lovely table in an italian restaurant so we ate there which was dead nice before heading to a bar on 'The octagon' (basically the town centre of Dunedin) We sat outside and listened to the live band playing on the stage, they were actually pretty good. We enjoyed a few beverages and a good catch up. About 11:30 we headed back to their flat which overlooks the city centre and the coast and popped open some champers to bring in the new Year. The fireworks were pretty damn awesome. We drank quite a bit more before heading to bed.
So overall awesome New Years Eve, was really nice spending it with Ed and Sara and we are so excited about seeing New Zealand. As you can imagine we haven't seen much yet except in the dark. We did go to the Dunedin Art Gallery today which was lovely and have now sorted out a New Zealand sim card which you will be receiving a text from shortly if you haven't already!
We have just over 2 months in New Zeland so a good amount of time to see everything - our plan is a bit sketchy so far but me and Matt will be heading back up to Christchurch on the 13th to see the sights of Christchurch and surroundings before picking up our Wicked camper van and heading back down to Dunedin via Mount Cook and some other sights. We are then going to continue our Road Trip with Ed and Sara - which should be epic. We have some excited stuff planned - so watch this space guys.
Hope you all had a lovely New Years Eve....miss you all loads still but it isn't long until we will be heading home.
Lots of Love Carly & Matt x x x x x
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