Back once again! Still hanging around in Dunedin & will be for the next week or so, then it's back on the road. Just thought we'd fill you in on the last couple of days!
January 6th:
We took a walk into town & did some boring things in the morning, bank accounts, new sim card, the usual crap we have to do when we get to a new country. All that went smoothly enough & we went shopping for clothes!
All 4 of us bought an item each, so no-one was left out then we carried on to the museum. Turned out to be a bit of a mammoth walk but definitely worth it. Just a small donation as an entry fee, then in you go.
We checked out the chinese exhibit, which was, by museum standards, awesome. So was the Polynesian Pacific culture exhibit.
We left the museum in search of food, which is a common trend throughout our blogs you will have noticed! We stopped in a little cafe, topped up our stomachs then headed towards the Chinese Gardens. It was a big trek & when we finally arrived, they were just closing.....that was something we really wanted to do so tomorrow now.
We ordered in a maaaaahaaassive chinese take away for the evening & ate less than half of it! Way too much food for 4 but tasty as!
January 7:
Today we gambled on the weather & headed to the chinese gardens once again. By the time we got there, the sun was out & really warm. The gardens were stunning, it's basically a big pond with chinese style buildings & trees all around. Check the pictures out to see what I mean. My description does it no justice!!
In the afternoon me, Ed & Sara went to the gym as they had a free one day pass for me to use. Carly had already used her free pass the day before with Sara so she stayed at home to do some research on Fiji and find us somewhere to stay. At the Gym it started badly & gradually got worse......I mean to the stage where it felt life-threatening!
I spent 5 mins on the cross-trainer, my heart rate stormed to 180 bpm. That's not good. Then me & Ed did some weights, mostly upper body & I was struggling to push anything. I was getting pins & needles in both arms & when I went on the hyper-extension it was the last straw. I went dizzy & felt sick so went to look for the toilet. I staggered across the hall & there was no sign. When I turned around, the room twisted & I felt like I was actually standing on the wall. I collapsed on the floor & one of the personal trainers told me to put my legs up the sofa until I lose my shakey hands & handed me a banana for sugar!
Won't be doing that again in a hurry!!
We played Boggle in the evening, which is the greatest game of all time, then watched Wolf Creek. A film loosely based around true events of backpackers that get abducted & sliced & diced. Was pretty crap really.
Check back soon for the next update.
Sorry guys Carly here back to edit Matts blog, he completely missed out that we went to the steepest (residential) street in the world! Was awesome - so check out the pictures. It was pretty darn steep but we made it all the way to the top and there were some really nice views. Was also very entertaining watching people drive up and down it - not something i would fancy doing! It must be annoying for the people that live there though, having all these tourists walking up and down the street everyday. We also got a certificate at the bottom to say that we had walked up it (that's one for the fridge, mum)!
Matt was still aching from the Gym this morning, next time ill go with him to make sure he doesn't kill himself!
Plan tomorrow is to have a day trip to Alexandra and see some sights along the way so we will be back with more pics and more adventures.
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