Hey everyone, hope you are all enjoinf the blogs again after such a long dry spell.
Well the last 3 days we have done some more exploring around Dunedin.
Friday 9th Jan
We decided to head into Central otago to check out the sights. Our plan was to drive to Alexander but after consulting with the lonely planet we decided to only go as far as Runfurly. Because the scenery was absolutely stunning but apart from that there wasn't many places of interest minus pubs and cafes. It was a really lovely drive though and the weather was very warm but windy. When we got back we found out that they had a mini tornado just up from Alexander - so good job we didn't go there. On the way back we headed to Shag point which is just north of Dunedin as it was getting quite late we saw loads of fur seals lounging on the rocks - there were a few fights and lots of pups - dead cute. Check out the pictures.
Saturday 10th Jan
Today we chilled out in the morning before heading to North Dunedin to check out Mount Cargill. It is basically a mount with a massive Pylon on top - doesn't sound very exciting but the views were out of this world. You can see right over the Otago Peninsula and despite it being quite windy it was a beautifully clear day and the sea was a crazy colour of blue. Once again check out th pictures - really isn't the same as being up there but you get the idea. So we set off on the half hour walk to the Lava tubes. They are cylindrical rocks that were fromed by Lava millions of years ago. We all had a bit of climb but it was quite dangerous and some guy told us there had been quite a few rockfalls so we didn't venture to far. Except for Ed who climbd right to the top to get some good pics. After this we climbed further up the mount to Butters Point - this was more rock formations we climbed up these ones and the views were out of this world - was absolutely stunning (i will try and put some of eds Good pics on here so you can see better). We then had quite a long walk back to the car - it was rather slippy but only ed (wearing his spanking new sneakers) managed to fall down with his very expensive camera in hand. Luckily there were no injuries to him or the camera and we were only 100 yards from the car. In the evening i made some awesome Taco's - i am now officially chef supreme i am on a roll having cooked 4 nights in a row. Mum you would be shocked out how domesticated i am now - i don't even moan about washing up (well not much)!
Sunday 11th Jan
Today as it was such a lovely day we headed to the botanical gardens with our new cricket set which we broughyt. We literally spent 4 hours playing cricket. Was good fun. Ed managed to hit a massive 150 runs not out before we got bored and made him give up. Matt hit over 50 - and me sarah got pretty good by the end at hitting it. We also had some very theatrical slides and fall downs - most of them by me nearly dislocating my toe (twice) and being alot more bedny then i thought i was. I also managed to slice my finger upen on the tennis ball can (who ever invented the tin to put tennis balls in should be shot). We are now back at the flat with Matt cooking a roast - feels like a proper english Sunday, rather strange actually.
Tomorrow we are heading to the beach tomorrow to do a tunnel walk (no idea what it is so will fill you in once it is done) then we are heading to the brewery in the evening to try some local beverages and have a bit of a tour.Alll in the name of education i promise!
Plan is to leave Dundedin on the 14th now and head to Christchurch - so the blogs won't be as quick as we will be back on the internet Cafe's or wireless when we can.
It's my birthday in 10 days - can't wait should be just north of Christchurch we think. No point sending cards mum, dad and sisters as we will be leaving here in 3 days.
Take Care x x x
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