Getting Wired Before Goofy Gargoyles and Pasty Picasso
To get wired at Starbucks ou'd better haveyour gold card! Two macchiatos and 1/2 hour of internet cost around $10 Canadian. OK, so I got on lline but it wasn't high speed. Managed to send only 2 email and that's it. This first world aarea is a lot more backward than I thought. Today we travelled with the laptop... tried a few places including the library to no avail. Well, I guess I'll be a frustrated blogger for a few more days.
Technology has it's place but here, in the city of dreams, history rules.
We began our day (after a good rest) by standing in li8ne at Notra Dame. After waiting about 3/4 of an hour we showed our handy pass and climbede our way to the tower. Now I can't complain about the wait. We were thoroughly entertained by a street performer scaring the life out of passers by. The long wait also meant we were in the tower when the noon bells tolled. Ouch! But still amazing! Gargoyles galore and a view to boot! Notra Dame is quit5e beautiful. Mass was under way as hundreds of people wandered the perimiter. Very strange.
From Notra Dame we toured the Crypte Archeologique to view excavations of the old Church and Roman Ruins. From the sublime to the rediculous we came above ground to wander through the Latin Quarter and have (a great) lunch. The next stop was the Pantheon (only because we missed the Musee de Cluny by mistake). The Pantheon was pretty amazing. Really a fancy crypt it started out as a church and then became the final resting place of heroes of the revolution as well as notables from more modern times. Joan of Arc rests here... she has always been a hero for me.
After the Pantheon we went to Luxumbourg gardens to see the flowers (rest our sorry feet) and watch little wooden boats racing in the wind. Back on the road to (finally) the Musee de Cluny with an amazing collection of exquisite medieval tapestry and a few nasty looking Roman heads. At this point we decided to use our GPS to get us to the Picasso Museum. Pretty strange having some lady talking to you from nowhere as you wander the windy streets. She really did know where she was going though Shane didn't think she could really be trusted. Took us on a crazy route which brought us through some amazing narrow alleyways. Always trust a lady.
At the Picasso collection we stood in awe at the fact that anyone would actually fall for that stuff. Sure he has unique ideas and, in his time, he was alone in his field. But... as a little girl said in salon 5...." I could do that Mom!"
After Picasso we found our way to the grocery store and home. Again passing amazing stores full of unique and wonderful creations. For fashions, jewelry, purses, furniture, lamps etc.... this is the place to go. I just must send my designer here one day!!! Woops... guess I'm already here!
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