Now before I update the travel info on this blog I have to mention the last two Chambres d'Otels we stayed in. The last blog was written from thbe Villa Blanc Marine with a beautiful view of the ocean. The owner was a fascinating man with a love of the sea and a former career as an cartoonist. Last night we stayed in a wonderful place by the ocean (same ocean different place) that reminded me of the place we stayed on Thetis Island (only smaller). This woman was absolutely lovely and positively eccentric. I can only say she was adorable and I took to her right away.
Now the title of this blog is "The Second Time Around You Get Lucky"... this has nothing to do with foreplay... it actually has to do with our last two accommodations. On Easter Saturday we were going from Chambre to Chambre looking for a vacancy when we drove down this narrow windy path to the most gorgeous little stone house on the sea.... no one was home so we drove away. As the day wore on we were finding each place we went to was booked which sent us back to the (thankfully) open Tourist Info desk. The lady called a gite for me and sent me on my way with a booking. As we wandered around looking for the place we found ourselve winding back down the narrow path to the, now home, eccentric owner and a vacancy on the top(!!!) floor. Creaking our way to the top we had a marvelous room. The best part, however was Guillemette and the view. We wandered down to the beach with dinner in hand as well as a bottle of wine.... sipped, ate and wandered till the tide turned and the sun got low. Marvelous way to spend Easter Eve. On Easter Sunday we took a boat across to Brehat Island. It is a rocky outcrop with 300 inhabitants and no cars (!!). We made it to Easter Mass there with standing room only then wandered around the island to the lighthouse made of rose granite. The whole island is only 3.5km long but the paths made us sure we had a good work out. After four hours we were back on the boat and heading to town for a delicious seafood meal and the obligatory bottle of red wine. Boy did we sleep that night.
Today, Easter Monday, we woke up early to sun and headed out to explore more of the North and West coast of Brittany. The land becomes more desolate as you go west. Scrub brush and howling wind met the pounding (thankfully periodic) rain. All in all it was a wonderful glimpse of the sailing history of this area as well as a full understanding as to why the foliage is so very, very green.
We had thought to stay in the area but decided in the end to go south towards Josselin. We have passed a number of beautiful chateaus and villages (even one this morning that had Easter eggs still hidden in the tall grass) but the one in Josselin is supposed to be wonderful so off we went. Getting here is no problem now that PG (the GPS) is minding herself. The problem was getting a place to stay. Now in the north there is no problem with accomodation. All along the road you see a sign saying "Chambres" and in you go. My theory is if you decide to drive longer than usual they all pull their signs in. There was no place to stay! We drove around Josselin and out then along the river, past camping sites, on to the next town etc. etc. Back on the road towards Vannes (thinking we'd just have to miss the experience) we decided to cut back and make one last try. Then, in the town... on the same road we had driven in to begin with... was the Chateau Josselin which is, not only in a great location across from the main attraction but also part of the Logis de France chain. How could we miss it?!! So.... the second time round you get lucky! So here I sit (wifi at the chateau) updating with gibberish for all my family and friends to read. Outside my window is the Chateau de Josselin complete with a quiet canal and tweeting birds. Tonight I thought I'd have to sleep in the car and now I rest in comfort. Ahhhh.... the French. Just teasing me.
Tonight we will wander this wonderful town and tomorrow.... who knows.... perhaps we will head again to the seaside and taste the wonders of French cooking.
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