Mary & Shane's Adventures
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Cuenca, Spain

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Arenas De Cabrales, Spain

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Ortigueira, Spain

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Segovia, Spain
Dave & Lynne Cousins Quite the 3-day adventure! Your trip is winding down and upon reflection, you've had an amazing vacation! See you upon your return!
re: Getting Off On the Wrong Foot (path) - Picoskaren bennison Your map is taking u on a very exciting journey! According to it, you slipped over to Venezuela for a visit before going to Barcelona!! Warm and sunny here. Enjoy!
re: Squeaks, Barcelona & "No underwear in Venice"daveandaileen Beautiful pictures and great blogs!!!
re: Squeaks, Barcelona & "No underwear in Venice"Anne Ashton Please keep the good weather coming. We leave tomorrow for Vancouver, then on to Europe on Wednesday. Will be in Torremolinos staying at the Melia Costa Del Sol 31 to the 3 of April. Love the blog Bruce Anne
re: Which way? One way? Refer to manual!!Dave & Lynn Cousins Shane & Mary, quite enjoying your entries as you travel the countryside! Take care and happy travels!Respectfully,Dave & Lynne
re: Kick back in Cardobamargeg Glad you got to Marvao - too bad it was in the mist - does make for a very "atmospheric" photo, though!
re: "You're On The Wrong Side of My Quinta"[email protected] This is an area I would love to visit. Thank you for the description, Mary. Have fun on your next adventure and tell Shane to stay away from "hell"!
re: Sintra to Fatima - Opposites Attractnikiganie Hahahahah very cool, sorry about your weird toll card, maybe it with work in Spain!
re: Root Rumble Humps to Lisbonnikiganie Looks beautiful! Going golfing with Uncle Dave and Aunt Jeanne on Friday because he's super bored, saw Kathy Dorothy and Alison yesterday! You have a house full! :) Love you two!!!
re: Wild Windy & Rugged CoastlineAnne Ashton Looks like you have everything on.I feel your disappointment. I am sitting in the Blackforest lodge while Bruce skis. Snow ing again Shane. Visibility limited for me. We golfed 18 holes on Frid. 16 out. Today going to 10. We have been pruning a tree a week. It is so great to have spring like weather. I hope you go to Lisbon as it is really worth while and only a day away. I know we rode from Lisbon to Faro in one day. Must go Have fun Anne
re: Wild Windy & Rugged Coastline- last visited

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Dave & Lynne Cousins Quite the 3-day adventure! Your trip is winding down and upon reflection, you've had an amazing vacation! See you upon your return!