So from my last blog entry we have been travelling through miles of rolling countryside punctuated by amazing views of the ocean. The weather has taken us from bone chilling cold to shirt sleeves and sunglasses.... this can happen in a matter of minutes. Really the storm cloud formations have been out of this world. Some of the driving has been quite worrisome but all is well and we are now in Angouleme. This is the city where our oldest daughter attended school lo those many (sorry sweetheart) years ago. We didn't think we would make it this far today but it all worked out. The question was.... spend money in Limoges on fine china that would break by the time I got it home.... or follow our daughter's memories. So, is that even a question?
Now to back track I'll tell you how we got here.
The last time I blogged we went to sleep in a hotel with a castle out the window. Now that ain't half bad. The next morning it was raining but, no matter, it kind of suited the day. We headed west to some beautiful sandy beaches that would be spectacular in the summer but today they were but a wind blown photo moment. Enjoyable none the less. The area around Vannes (and west) is quite beautiful with many islands and sheltered harbours for huge yachts.
Quite different from the next area we visited.
I could make a new blog title out of it: The day the rocks were closed?!! We drove to see some pre historic rock formations (St Just) but when we arrived they were closed. They are only open two days a week. So how do you close a rock? What you do is build a big berm around it and cover it with brush. Then, even if you are driving by, you can't see the rocks. Seems they have perfected this art in many of the chateaus of the Loire valley as well. You can't see them unless you pay the 10E entrance. This can add up when you realize there are at least 30 in the area. It's OK though... we found that many of the more spectacular chateaus are just right out there in the middle of nowhere.
Back to the rocks... we did manage to find a few in farmer's fields and front yards. If you are willing to look a little you can find less famous ones all over.
In the Loire Valley it is the same. We saw some amazing chateaus. Went through the chateau in Amboise (where we spent last night) and also toured through Chenonceaux which is a stunning chateau on Le Cher river. Right across the river actually. The other chateaus we saw were from a distance or were not open at this time.
The Loire valley is really quite beautiful. Rolling farmland that PG kept getting us lost in. She really does come in handy when you want to go on the road less travelled. We spent an amazing two days battling the ever changing weather and the narrow little back roads of France to discover the secrets of the Loire valley. Hundreds of pictures later we are still in awe of this amazing part of the world.
Tonight we find ourselves in Angouleme discovering the place our daughter spent a year of her life. It was a surprise, actually. This is not a tourist town. The old town is designed for the local population and it is really a comfortable experience. Big squares, marketplace, shopping, eating, business and studies. The old city is a cosmopolitan place with a sense of France rather than a place trying to reinvent itself to please the tourists. I enjoyed our experience here. Hope our daughter likes the pictures
Tomorrow we head off to our gite for a week. In the Dordogne we will begin another chapter of our time here in France.
One country with so many faces. We are just beginning to understand.
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