So I start off this blog with a little explanation of my stupidity. I entered Rue instead of Route in our GPS for our hotel in Brussels. Suffice to say that by trying to avoid the downtown I ended up driving through the old center and out again trying to find our hotel….. Remember to look carefully for the correct spelling of a road … especially in a country where there are more than two languages spoken.
Anyway, we did have a good look around (or at least Dorothy and Shane did) before we actually found the right address of our hotel next to the Luxembourg airport.
Pretty strange to call this an airport because we never saw more than twenty people in the whole place and the parking lot is empty.
Had a good hotel for a couple of nights and it was pretty quiet (thought cramped for the three of us). It was in a great location because we could hop on the bus to the town (for only 1.50E each way) and get to the main historic center in less than half an hour.
Found our way there and spent the afternoon wandering around all the places that must be seen. There are ancient ramparts, castles, bridges, buildings, parks. Walked down below the ramparts to an area of sleepy cafes and a meandering river complete with swans.
This poor city has had it’s share of invaders to the point where it kind of gave up during the last world war. French, Spanish, Austrian and German forces took control of poor little Luxembourg. There are 25 kilometers of underground tunnels that sheltered troops , equipment, horses, workshops etc. Yet still they fell to many invaders. Sort of like a video game the neighbours wanted to be the ones to take the prize weather they wanted it or not.
Not really sure what this little country has to offer besides a lot of woods and access to a river or two. Like so many wars I think the all come down to ego and greed.
The second day we headed out to the country to see the Valley of the Seven Castles. Now there were seven but they weren’t all great. We were kind of disappointed in the seven but very happy with the few we found later that weren’t even in our guide book. One at Esch-sur-Sure was an amazing find. Shane, Dorth and I wandered up and down taking pictures and trying to figure out the plan of the place. Situated on a hilltop the river Sure winds around the base creating a formidable barrier to attack. Today it is a peaceful , sleepy town with lots of bikers on holiday and campers / tenters beside the river.
We crisscrossed the country taking in forests, rolling hillsides of canola and wheat, rivers, and small country villages. Saw some wonderful scenery and very unusual architecture.
Then Shane left. That was tough for me to say goodbye to my best friend as he makes his way home to Canada. Dorth and I are here for a little over two weeks and are making our way south together.
Shane left at 06:30 and we were on the road by 08:00 heading south to the Alsace Lorraine, France.
Now I like to take the road less traveled so as soon as we could I got us off the freeway and on little side roads. It takes longer but you really see the country. Our roads took us through little villages, forests (lots of forests and windy roads), fields, mines and confused faces (as locals looked at us and wondered how in the heck we found our way there). When we arrived at Ribeauville we decided this was the place for us to stay. Well there was no room at the inn. In fact the poor fellow at the hotel said we would have a hard time finding accommodation anywhere on a Saturday. Oh Oh!! Turns out it was a long weekend in most of the area and everyone had decided the Alsace was the place to go.
So we ventured forth trying a few places with no luck until we came to Turckheim. The first place we found had only an attic room with no head room and one bed. Nope! After a lot of walking Dorothy found a place in a hotel that was over 1000 years old. It is kind of strange to go out the door of your hotel and find people taking a picture. I am amazed that she found the place. Amazed and relieved. It is so nice (and not expensive) that we decided to spend two nights here and relax.
This area of France is very unique. The French spoken here has a few German words thrown in. Though we can communicate there are things that completely throw me. Dorothy has a better understanding of German so between the two of us we can order a meal.
The buildings remind me of Normandy but they are painted in the pastel colours of the Mediterranean. Every where you turn you want to take a picture. It is one of the most intriguing places I have ever visited. So think of tasty wine and vineyards, the odd castle, funky architecture and top it off with the odd pelican nesting on a roof and you have the Alsace.
Spent one whole day visiting village after village and added a few castles or chateaus in the mix. Ate a picnic of foie gras, baguette, olives, salad and cheese. Yummy. And we did that as a castle loomed above us and the Route de Vin was in view. Hmmm…. Love my life!!
Did a little wine tasting and tomorrow we will head off to Switzerland. This area is known for it’s white wine so my poor red wine loving pallet is being tested. Awww… will have to bear with it I guess.
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