Day 60. Jackson, Wyoming.
Today's mission was to find a moose. We'd heard that the area around Phelps Lake was prime bear and moose country, so headed up there along a bumpy unpaved road. We did an enjoyable 8 mile walk around the lake. Saw lots of autumn colours, a snake, and evidence of bear and moose activity - but no actual bears or moose! The weather was still ok when we got back, so we decided to ride around the 42 mile scenic loop and try our luck at some other recommended spots. This time we saw some otters playing in the river, but again, no bears or moose. Our final stop was the Visitors Centre, and success! Finally we saw a moose. Shame it was made out of bronze, but beggars can't be choosers!
Despite the distinct absence of moose we've not done too badly. Over the last week or so we've seen bison, elk, deer, a wolf (at the Discovery Centre, and one in the wild), grizzly bears (at the Discovery Centre), a black bear and cubs, a snake, otters, and lots of cheeky ground squirrels.
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