Just realised that my last blog did not publish all the stuff I pasted into it so it seems only right to finish it properly.
In the evening hit the Crossroads bar for a few PBRs and did woefully in the pub quiz (how am I supposed to know who the shortest president was???). Still, had a great last night.
Thursday brought with it slightly fuzzy head and sad feelings. Packed up and left hotel at noon and took the El to the airport. Lovely sister scored us a cheeky wee upgrade on the flight home which was fab. Transferred at Heathrow, bussed from Edinburgh to Glasgow and finally made it back to the house about 5, to reflect on the trip of a lifetime.
So in summary it was quite honestly the best time ever, like 47 birthdays in a row!
Some facts & figures:
18 states
6 state capitols
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