Its that time again our daily blog update, which I know you all can't wait for!!!!!!
Firstly I would like to thank everybody for the birthday wishes, i had a near perfect day, so thanks everybody I am another year older but I am dealing with it in my own unique style, drinking to forget about it!!!! Today is our final day in Dunedin and we have used it very wisely indeed. We took the car out of town to ' The steepest street in the world' its in the guiness book of records. Its called Baldwin Street and is about 5 minutes drive out of the city. From here we headed out on the other side of the Peninsula to Port Chalmers, it's a tiny little town with boutique shops and a port of course!!! From here we dropped the car back at the hostel and went to see the new Die Hard movie which opened here today and is bloody brilliant, full of action as you would expect it's a take your brain out movie. Have to go as we need to plan our route tomorrow as we have had to change our mind again as the hostel we were heading for is shut for the winter so need to plan a new route.Will speak again soon
Kia Ora M & M
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