Day 66 - Gili Trawangan
After getting up, having some breakfast and creamed up I decide today is the day I want to go and see if I can go on a horsey. The stables are right at the south of the island so we set off and just as we get past the end of the main strip the place is deserted. There doesn't appear to be any accomodation on this part of the island and we even came across a gorgeous looking bar with loads of funky seats and what looked like a dj box but it was closed and looked like it had been for some time.
We saw a herd of cows just all lay under a tree chewing grass and looking gormless at us as we walked by and a couple of minutes later we stumbled upon lots of goats. They started off right at the far end of a field but then began to run towards us ... we were a bit nervous at first as when we were doing our research for the Gili's some woman wrote on her blog that all the goats kept chasing her! We just carried on walking hoping that they would just leave us to it and luckily they did!
We finally arrive at Stud Stables but the ride is around the whole island on the beach .. as the majority of the beach is rocky and has lots of loose coral washed up on it I didn't think it was fair to the horsey incase they hurt their feet so decided to give it a miss and maybe give it a go when we get back to Bali where the beach is more horse friendly.
We began to walk back towards the strip and saw the goats again along the way this time they were all at the side of the path just eating like they do. They didn't look as threatening this time so we snapped a few shots of them and carried on our way. We thought we should see what the beaches are like on the south of the island while we're here and they are quite nice with not as much coral as the ones on the main strip so we plonked ourselves down and went for a sit in the sea.
After a while the tide started to go out which left loads of little rock pools so we went and got the camera. We spent ages just gazing at the pools looking for life weren't disappointed. We saw lots of little fish, hermit crabs, urchins, star fish and loads of crabs! 2 of the crabs we saw were having a very amusing fight while a load of other little crabs watched on!
Hunger then struck us both so we went to 1 of the bars for a bit of a feed and then back onto the beach, the sun was really hot now must have hit about 33 so we retreated after a while to a bar for some more of those cheap drinks before returning to the room to clean ourselves up. For tea we decided to actually try the food at the bar that does the cheap drinks as they have Trawangan Steak on offer tonight. It wasn't steak but it was beef and it was gorgeous with loads of garlic gravy (should help keep the mozzies away) and after a few of the cheap drinks we decided to be a bit more adventurous and sample some of the cocktails.
Si ordered a Lime Dacquari and his face was a right picture when he tasted it (if you watch the simpsons it was like when homer ate the super sour sweet that professor frink invented) he said it was just like eating a lime on its own. I did try and get a pic of his face but he wasn't looking at the camera properly ... might have to get him to order another and pose for the camera :)
After sampling all the cocktails we could stomach we called it a night and staggered back to the hostel.
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