Nervous Turkey!
Westport to Lake Mahinapua
Another snorer hit the scene last night but this time things turned a little sour. 5am was breaking point. Matt picked up his quilt and decided that he would tackle the sofa for a few hours as it would surely be better than more hours of the constant hum. A few hours later, Char was awoken by a shocked Matt who couldn't quite understand what had just happened. As he laid minding his own business a dark figure stood over him. On opening his eyes he was greeted the wife of the snorer telling him that he was well out of order for storming out this morning. We will let you make your own mind up.... Our argument - - We had a sleepless night listening to a deep snorer in a bed less than a metre away. - The wife laid awake but didn't think to get up and turn him over or shut him up. - We had paid to SLEEP in a room.
Her argument - - she gave the statistic of 1 in 4 people snore so it's not a big deal.
This trip is now seriously becoming a real life version of the coach trip we are just missing Brendan. Although our promiscuous, sex pest driver Arias makes a good replacement. We are slowly getting to hear all the gossip about the other passengers who have already travelled on the bus for 12 days. We have met the majority of the people on the bus now and gladly we fit in with the normal group. Particularly we need to mention the funniest people we have met for a long time on our trip. Hester and Emma the double act from London who make every minute of the day part of their ridiculous sense of humour, bouncing off each other.
A 40 minute walk along the pancake rocks to visit a seal colony was refreshing but all of our minds were preoccupied. Moments before we got off the bus Arias announced that tonight was fancy dress night and the theme was "first and last". Take the first and last letter of your name and dress as something beginning with those letters. The walk wasn't spent taking in our surrounds but trying to be creative and come up with ideas for our costumes. We only had an hour to decide before we stopped to buy our costumes. The winner would win a canyon swing. The aim of the game was to be funny, creative and spent as little money as possible.
Matt's Options - M & T
It would be the most sensible thing to go as a MAXI TAMPON.
Char's Options - C & E
It was a struggle but we decided on an EMOTIONAL CLOWN.
We managed to get our supplies for $7 each. BONUS. As we got to the hostel, which was exclusive to our bus, everybody began making their costumes. The effort and lengths that people were going to were outstanding. And at 8pm we would all meet for a roast dinner in our costumes and party afterward. A few examples of the comedy costumes that were about were:
An egg Happy Meal Dirty Laundry PC Haribo And many more.
The winner of the competition is to be revealed tomorrow night.
After a comedy night with everybody letting loose, we got into bed with everyone else asleep. We soon remembered that we had to take our first paint off in the dark. This sparked a giggling fit on the both of us which we hope we kept under wraps. Hopefully we weren't those guys.
M & C xxxx
Another snorer hit the scene last night but this time things turned a little sour. 5am was breaking point. Matt picked up his quilt and decided that he would tackle the sofa for a few hours as it would surely be better than more hours of the constant hum. A few hours later, Char was awoken by a shocked Matt who couldn't quite understand what had just happened. As he laid minding his own business a dark figure stood over him. On opening his eyes he was greeted the wife of the snorer telling him that he was well out of order for storming out this morning. We will let you make your own mind up.... Our argument - - We had a sleepless night listening to a deep snorer in a bed less than a metre away. - The wife laid awake but didn't think to get up and turn him over or shut him up. - We had paid to SLEEP in a room.
Her argument - - she gave the statistic of 1 in 4 people snore so it's not a big deal.
This trip is now seriously becoming a real life version of the coach trip we are just missing Brendan. Although our promiscuous, sex pest driver Arias makes a good replacement. We are slowly getting to hear all the gossip about the other passengers who have already travelled on the bus for 12 days. We have met the majority of the people on the bus now and gladly we fit in with the normal group. Particularly we need to mention the funniest people we have met for a long time on our trip. Hester and Emma the double act from London who make every minute of the day part of their ridiculous sense of humour, bouncing off each other.
A 40 minute walk along the pancake rocks to visit a seal colony was refreshing but all of our minds were preoccupied. Moments before we got off the bus Arias announced that tonight was fancy dress night and the theme was "first and last". Take the first and last letter of your name and dress as something beginning with those letters. The walk wasn't spent taking in our surrounds but trying to be creative and come up with ideas for our costumes. We only had an hour to decide before we stopped to buy our costumes. The winner would win a canyon swing. The aim of the game was to be funny, creative and spent as little money as possible.
Matt's Options - M & T
It would be the most sensible thing to go as a MAXI TAMPON.
Char's Options - C & E
It was a struggle but we decided on an EMOTIONAL CLOWN.
We managed to get our supplies for $7 each. BONUS. As we got to the hostel, which was exclusive to our bus, everybody began making their costumes. The effort and lengths that people were going to were outstanding. And at 8pm we would all meet for a roast dinner in our costumes and party afterward. A few examples of the comedy costumes that were about were:
An egg Happy Meal Dirty Laundry PC Haribo And many more.
The winner of the competition is to be revealed tomorrow night.
After a comedy night with everybody letting loose, we got into bed with everyone else asleep. We soon remembered that we had to take our first paint off in the dark. This sparked a giggling fit on the both of us which we hope we kept under wraps. Hopefully we weren't those guys.
M & C xxxx
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