Another good-bye this morning, this time to Paolo. We got up at around 8.45am and I went and got the free hostel breakfast - breads and spreads. But then I got back to the room and decided to lay down again for 10 minutes. We were asleep again until about 11am! Getting a bit too used to all this sleep.
We finally got ourselves up and ready, then went for a wander around town to find somewhere cheap for lunch. We found a really good deal at a French restaurant called Soleras. $10 (£5) each for lunch and it was really nice. We had grilled salmon skewers with cous-cous and mint yoghurt plus a green salad in a light dressing with beetroot. Couldn't believe we only paid a fiver for such a good meal.
We had a walk around town again just window shopping. It's a lovely place. I think it's very English like. I really fancied a coffee and we spotted a sign for Joe's Garage with an offer for coffee and cake for $6 (£3). We had to walk down a backstreet to find it. That's what I love about Queenstown too, there's lots of little places kind of hidden away down side streets or on the second floor of buildings.
So we got a coffee and cake deal and an extra coffee, then sat outside in the sun. The cake was absolutely lovely - banana and chocolate. We sat there for ages in the sun, just reading and stuff. It was nice to sit and relax. Then the fun was spoilt when we had to go do our washing.
We ventured back out at around 5.30pm to get some tea. Everywhere was a bit too expensive and I had to resist getting another FergBurger. We came across a nice little stepped Green with a stream running through it. There were loads of people laying around there in the sun. Really nice and, again, really reminded me of England. We found a nice looking place across from the Green called Brazz. They had a really good Wednesday night deal on - half-price pizza! Only thing was, it didn't start until 7pm, which was over an hour away.
We decided to just nip back to the hostel for a bit, then come back. I had to get something to put me on, so went to CookieTime with a Buy One Get One Free cookie voucher I had. They are gorgeous cookies! They're hot and chewy/gooey in the middle. Lovely.
We went back for our pizza at 7pm. Was definitely worth the wait. The pizza was huge, only $17.50 (£9), and it was really nice.
We've done pretty well with our special offer food today!
It's our last night with Mel tonight, then we're on our own and the 'family' is completely split up. It's quite sad really when we get close to people and then have to split. We've had such a good time together too. There's never an awkward silence and we're always having a laugh.
Me and Therese went for a drink on our own first in a place over the road called Monty's. They had decent live singer on, but it was dead inside. After that, we met Mel who'd been chatting to a couple of other people and we all went to another bar called Cowboys. There was also a guy with us called Gary who we've met a few times along our travels since Oz, he was at the Bungy jump the other day too. Cowboys is a cool place. Everything is decorated to the max with cowboy stuff. The seats at the bar are saddles, the hand-pulls are guns, there's all sorts. There's even a bucking bronco! Yeah, we had a go. Well, a couple from our group had a go, then Mel, then I had a go. I did pretty well! But then got bucked off and landed on my feet, then got bucked right in the crown jewels!
It was a good laugh in there. Me and Therese just had the one drink and made it last a while, but Mel etc were on a night out so were ready to move on. We said our final goodbyes to Mel, and that was it, the 'family' have gone their separate ways...
(5 blogs for Queenstown! Change the date in the top left of the page)
- comments
mel brittle i love all the food talk- so true about queenstown! so many good eateries. reading this and remembering all the goodbyes is confirming i need to get on that freaking bus today! see u guys in a couple of hours. i dont know if this is the right decision but sod it, i want to see the family again! queenstown will always be here, but u guys wont xxxxx