Woke up so late and didn't get out of our room until after 1pm.
Craig has taken the Stray Bus, and Mel and Paolo have hired a car to go out to Milford Sound. I didn't even hear anyone get up!
We went to get a hangover cure - FergBurger again! Shared a Mr Big Stuff with fries and Wasabi Mayo. Mmm, good stuff.
We walked it off though, sort of. Had a wander around Queenstown Gardens, which are pretty nice.
After that, I Spent a bit of time sorting out a few things with our Stray Bus and our USA trip, while Therese went to get a haircut and her fringe put back in.
We decided to go to the cinema as it's cheap Tuesday aka tight arse Tuesday. $10 (£5) each it cost to see True Grit. It's a Western film by the Coen brothers. I didn't really like it all that much, but that's probably because I felt so tired. I nearly fell asleep a few times. Therese enjoyed it though.
It was only 8pm by the time we came out the cinema, so we went to Starbucks, shared a Venti Latte and read a magazine for a while. Mel and Paolo were walking by and we spotted each other, so they came in and told us how their trip went.
We decided to ring home again tonight, as we might not get chance for a while. Was in there for a while and it was pretty late by that time so just went back to the hostel room and had a final chat with Paolo before he moves on.
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