Today was our second day around the temples. We started with an hour and a half drive out to Banteay Srie. This was a temple surrounded by lovely gardens and rivers which made a really nice setting to walk around.
From here we drove a bit further to Kulen Mountain, which is where the waterfalls are. We were told by some girls we met not to bother as there was no water there, but seeing as we were taken there we figured we might as well look for ourselves! It was a 1500m hike to the top where there was a small waterfall, which wasn't as impressive as the pictures. However it did run over ancient carvings in the stone which was quite cool to see. On the way back down we came across another waterfall which was prettier than the first. Against my gut feeling I decided to walk on the slippery rocks to get a bit closer, resulting in me slipping and getting my bottom half totally soaked in the water! Half sulking I made it back down the rest of the way without any more injuries!
Then it was a long drive back towards the main Angkor complex. Our next stop was Preah Kahn, a massive maze of ruins and ancient rubble. We spent quite a while here wondering around and getting lost! It was then on to Neak Pean, which was different from what we have seen so far as it was more of a monument placed within a large pond. It was really pretty although the long walk along a not very safe looking wooden walkway which crossed a large lake was a bit scary, especially after my earlier incident!
The next place was called Ta Som, again it was a temple complex similar to what we have seen so far but with a similar tree to that at Ta Prohm, where it has overgrown and taken over one of the entrances.
Our final stop for the day was Pre Rup, not one of the more impressive temples but we were here to watch the sunset. The main part of the temple was at the top of a lot of steps so we headed up here to have a wander and wait for the sun to start setting. It was beautiful but although it was supposed to be quiet there were still quite a few people. We headed back down once the sun had set and made our way back to town. We were both pretty exhausted after the long day we had just had, so grabbed some food and an early night! We are planning a couple of days by the pool to work on our tans and rest my legs which feel like they never want to walk again!
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